T-Tests for Independent Samples

This week’s assigned readings explore repeated measures and independent samples in psychology research, and there are multiple sources that address the concepts’ applicability to real-life research scenarios in plain terms. In his brief article located at the website of an online data management education portal, Patel (2020) explains the purpose of t-tests for independent samples and the basic procedures involved in this type of statistical analysis. In chapter ten of the book, Foster et al. (2018) anatomize t-statistics for independent samples. Specifically, they review such tests’ logical structure as compared to other types of t-tests with an emphasis on null hypothesis values, observed effects, and the standard error (Foster et al., 2018). Patel’s (2020) article contains similar and simplified explanations but without drawing comparisons between various statistical procedures and their purposes. Therefore, the source is narrowly-focused in terms of the covered themes.

One interesting thing concerning the article is that it places the independent samples t-test method in the context of various industries. Patel (2020) emphasizes the method’s implications for real-life business and finance problems rather than going from basic to more complicated forms of statistical analysis to ensure comprehension and systematic knowledge acquisition. The uses that he explores include drug effectiveness research, for instance, comparisons between novel drugs and alternatives or placebo treatments in clinical trials (Patel, 2020). Drug research can also utilize repeated-measures designs discussed in chapter nine of the book (Foster et al., 2018). The explorations of different demographic groups’ job satisfaction in sociological studies and distinct clienteles’ spending patterns and peculiarities of purchasing decision-making are also mentioned to illustrate the method’s tremendous potential for behavior-focused investigations (Patel, 2020). Other areas of application, such as HR management and business research, are emphasized to a greater extent to ensure the target audience’s awareness of this inferential statistical test’s hypothetical role in profit maximization (Patel, 2020). Considering this, the discussed online source increases the audience’s awareness of the test’s potential for virtually any professional cohort.


Foster, G. C., Lane, D., Scott, D., Hebl, M., & Guerra, R. (2018). An introduction to psychological statistics. University of Missouri.

Patel, K. (2020). The independent samples t-test method and how it benefits organizations. Dataversity. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "T-Tests for Independent Samples." April 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/t-tests-for-independent-samples/.


StudyCorgi. "T-Tests for Independent Samples." April 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/t-tests-for-independent-samples/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "T-Tests for Independent Samples." April 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/t-tests-for-independent-samples/.

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