Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?


As a matter of fact, in the present day, series may be regarded as an intrinsic part of peoples’ lives, and their popularity cannot be underestimated. A considerable number of individuals sacrifice their sleep for non-stop watching. However, the influence of this habit on people’s behavioral patterns and mental and physical health currently attracts attention. For instance, according to multiple research, sleep deprivation may lead to mental health issues. Thus, in my experiment, I want to investigate the presence of a connection between series’ non-stop watching or binge-watching and students’ behavior and test the following hypothesis: Binge-watching causes aggression.


As a cause, independent variables are not affected by other conditions; their value will determine the results. The experiments’ independent variables are the number of episodes watched by students per day. In turn, as the effect, dependent varieties are affected by independent variables’ changes. In the experiment, dependent variables are students’ behavioral patterns and mood, the connection with binge-watching should be evaluated.


The participants of my study are six students who study with me. Two of them are my roommates. However, this condition is insignificant to the research. My subject will be assigned based on their informed consent and agreement to be involved in the experiment for three days. The selection criterion will be their positive attitude to the series, as my experiment should be ethical.

Experiment’s Conditions

All participants will be divided into two control groups. The experiment will be conducted on those days when all participants will have free time in order to ensure conditions for both control groups. In addition, the same series will be chosen for both groups. The participants of the first group will be proposed to watch 1-2 episodes of the series during the daytime. The participants of the second group will watch more than five episodes non-stop. Their mood and behavioral patterns will be assessed the next day.


The possible results of my study may indicate the presence of aggression and irritation in binge watchers. However, these results do not confirm my hypothesis. First, participants’ behavior and mood may be affected by factors not connected with my experiments that cannot be controlled. In addition, the behavioral patterns of the second group’s participants will be predominantly connected with a lack of sleep due to non-stop watching. However, sleep deprivation may be caused by other factors rather than series – thus, the direct connection will not be identified.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 17). Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?

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1. StudyCorgi. "Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?" April 17, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?" April 17, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?" April 17, 2023.

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