Teaching of Political Science


Political science background offers numerous opportunities for students in different spheres of life (Rowh, 2003), this is why the teaching of political sciences turns out to be crucially important at any time. One of the major purposes of my life now is to become a teacher of political science to help students comprehend how Constitution and Government should work and why proper comprehension is so important. Palmer (2007) admits that lots of teachers want to demonstrate their deep care about students and their desire not to lose energy and their sparkle to provide students with the necessary support to learn this world with its all challenges. So, my teaching of political science has the same goals, and certain sources about teaching and political science will certainly help me to choose the best way of teaching.

Aspects of a Topic. Sources of Information

Even in the past, lots of civilians as well as politicians did not know how the Constitution and Government worked (Aristotle & Saunders, 1995, p. 154). Nowadays, almost the same problems are observed: people do not concentrate properly on each aspect of political science and present wrong interpretations of the matter. Pennings and Keman (2006) present a helpful comparative approach to political science and evaluation of information, and Harold Lasswell (2005) tells more about the problems, which may bother future political science. These sources will be used in my research to prove how significant the development of political science and its teaching is. To make the research deeper and reliable, it is better to rely on online sources to get new information, taking into consideration any possible world’s changes.


If I get a chance to teach young students in the sphere of political science and explain to them the ideas of the Constitution and Government’s work, I want to believe that one day these young people will help older people to understand the necessary concepts and improve our current situation for safer future.

Reference List

Aristotle & Saunders, T. J. (1995). Politics, Volume 1. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Lasswell, H. D. (2005). The Future of Political Science. Aldine Transaction.

Palmer, P. J. (2007). The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. John Wiley and Sons.

Pennings, P., Keman, H., & Kleinnijenhuis, J. (2006). Doing Research in Political Science. SAGE.

Rowh, M. (2003). Great Jobs for Political Science Majors. McGraw-Hill Professional.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 17). Teaching of Political Science. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-of-political-science/

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StudyCorgi. "Teaching of Political Science." March 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-of-political-science/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Teaching of Political Science." March 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-of-political-science/.

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