Teaching Professionalism Article by Cruess & Cruess

The medical profession is unique from others as it upholds providing care to individuals as a service. Therefore, Cruess & Cruess, (2012) suggest that professionalism in the health industry is threatened by social changes and weak healthcare standards. The authors also explain that teaching professionalism in medical education institutions has been a priority since the 90s. However, there are several challenges in delivering instructions on professionalism. Cruess & Cruess, (2012) propose that professionalism should be taught implicitly and explicitly. First, educators should define professionalism and enable students to understand its general principles. Nevertheless, instructors should emphasize personal experience reflections and experimental learning since these techniques reinforce what is taught and encourage students to develop specific professional identities. In addition, the authors recommend ensuring continuity in teaching professionalism as students advance through classes, an incremental approach to broaden their understanding, and role modeling because students often emulate faculty practices. Moreover, teachers should develop effective solutions to assess and evaluate professionalism and create an environment where students can behave professionally. Eventually, they will learn that professionalism is an ideal that is pursued over time rather than a concept based on rules and regulations.


Cruess, S. R., & Cruess, R. L. (2012). Teaching professionalism–why, what and how. Facts, views & vision in ObGyn, 4(4), 259. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Teaching Professionalism Article by Cruess & Cruess." November 23, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-professionalism-article-by-cruess-and-cruess/.


StudyCorgi. "Teaching Professionalism Article by Cruess & Cruess." November 23, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-professionalism-article-by-cruess-and-cruess/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Teaching Professionalism Article by Cruess & Cruess." November 23, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/teaching-professionalism-article-by-cruess-and-cruess/.

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