Team Development and Management

Managing a team may represent a complicated task because each employee is unique, but they still have to share corporate values. Many conflicts and disagreements may arise due to various reasons related to managers, team members, corporate culture, workflow, etc. Thus, it is evident that every team has the potential to improve, and it is imperative to formulate a well-planned strategy to ensure optimal team cohesion.

The first recommendation will concern cohesion in the workflow of a team. In this stance, a manager should focus on developing a compelling roadmap of tasks (15 best team cohesion strategies, n.d.). Furthermore, the roadmap must distribute actions for each team member or small group. In the case of the team where Evan works, it would be helpful to arrange tasks in a way he gets involved in interaction with others. The roles should be distributed equally, and nobody feels disadvantaged or invaluable on the path toward joint accomplishments.

Addressing the need to improve communication within the team, it is necessary to consider Evan’s contributions and relatively unfavorable views. The second recommendation is to contemplate introducing the company retreats, which can help improve communication and know each other better (15 best team cohesion strategies, n.d.). It is possible that Evan’s colleagues have yet to be acquainted with his distinctive characteristics, which could be a contributing factor to misunderstandings. Although Evan’s team goes camping, enriching activities outside the office with specific games that help reveal employees’ personalities and behavioral traits would be useful.

In conclusion, each team must endeavor to foster an environment that is both amicable, well-being oriented, and efficient in its output. To attain optimal team cohesion, strategies such as creating a roadmap and implementing company retreats can be utilized. While the first strategy can help to ensure the value of each team member and interaction between employees, the second focuses on learning more about each other. Although a company may already have certain practices in place, it may prove beneficial to include activities that facilitate the identification of the personalities and behaviors of team members.


15 best team cohesion strategies at work. (n.d.). Surf Office. Web.

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