The Social Responsibility of Companies

The social responsibility of companies in the modern world is an important criterion for a responsible and respected business. There are many ways to take care of different aspects of social life, and each company can prioritize according to its idea of ​​what is essential. TOMS Shoes is an international footwear company founded in 2006 (TOMS, n.d.). In addition to the production itself, the company pays great attention to charity, conducting campaigns to draw attention to specific problems. Their slogan is “One for One» which in this context means that for every pair of shoes sold, the company is committed to donating another pair of shoes to children in need. They also have notable projects in the field of mental health and ecology.

The Body Shop is a significant manufacturer of perfumes and cosmetics. Activism and social responsibility are also important activities of this company. Since its foundation, the company has constantly carried out activities and projects in environmental protection (Activism is in our DNA | The Body Shop, n.d.). Particularly noteworthy is the indefinite initiative to end animal testing of cosmetic products and the bio-bridges program, which contributes to increasing biodiversity and combating extinction.

These strategies are often launched without the desire for additional income, but they can also benefit the business itself. Social conscious policies reflect the company’s values and views and help distinguish it from competitors (Awaysheh et al., 2020). In addition, introducing social initiatives helps attract the attention of people who share similar views and form a loyal community of regular customers. Finally, the company’s value in the market is increased by increasing the assessment of its reputation.

In the case of SNHU Pet Supply Company, I would recommend choosing the area of ​​social responsibility based on the company’s specifics. Pet owners of this company’s clients will be interested in participating in projects aimed at helping animals or nature. For example, I can offer a campaign similar in meaning to the TOMS Shoes campaign: for the purchase of a pack of food or a toy from a specific value, give an equivalent pack of food or a toy to a shelter for homeless animals. This will please buyers interested in convenient ways to help stray animals, as well as help the company avoid the accumulation of unsold goods while doing a socially valuable act.


Activism is in our DNA: The body shop®. Activism is in our DNA | The Body Shop®. (n.d.). Web.

Awaysheh, A., Heron, R. A., Perry, T., & Wilson, J. I. (2020). On the relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and financial performance. Strategic Management Journal, 41(6), 965–987. Web.

TOMS. (n.d.). Impact overview. TOMS. Web.

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