Technological Advantages vs. Disadvantages: Analyzing Impact on Society

The Impact of Pollution on the Environment

The Industrial Revolution in the USA in the 19th century has taken a heavy toll on the minds of the US citizens, thus, changing the established way of living once and for all. Naturally, the achievements of that era led to serious improvements in the economic sphere and caused sufficient growth in the financial sector. Nevertheless, the benefits brought by the industrial epoch have always been associated with the impact on the environment. Air pollution appears to be the issue of global concern. A widely discussed greenhouse effect is basically a result of a mindless century-long usage of natural resources accompanied by constant gas emissions. Such substances as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide are the pollutants directly emitted into the air by industrial sources (Goudie, 2013). It is known that their amount has increased over the last 4-5 decades. This fact provoked a serious debate on an international level, the focal point of which was to reduce the volume of gas emissions and switch to an ecologically clean type of production.

Regarding the outcomes of air pollution, the dissolution of the Arctic ice pack, and changes in climate on a global scale appears to be the major consequences of human intervention. Scientists admit that the temperature rises in practically every corner of the Earth (Goudie, 2013). However, the biggest threat is associated with ozone holes that let solar radiation pass through and provoke health conditions among people of all ages.

Why the Advantages of Technology are Worth the Disadvantages

Life in modern society is nearly impossible to imagine without all the available kinds of technology. The majority of users agree that a working routine they encounter on a daily basis has become much easier to deal with using technological means of data transfer. Naturally, companies around the world have found it more profitable to do business over the Internet since customers may order any product by simply pressing a required icon on a website. One does not necessarily need to have an office in a foreign country to arrange business cooperation with its residents. The process can be done through a whole variety of social networks and hosting services. Moreover, one can do online accounting using such services as Dropbox or Google Docs, which creates additional conveniences for management staff.

There is, however, the opinion that technological progress has actually done a huge disservice to the humankind. In accordance with this opinion, people are becoming less active and more subject to stresses, anxieties, and other forms of diseases. One, of course, cannot argue with this statement since the tendency does exist and individuals’ dependence on technology is evident through a widespread usage of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Nevertheless, alongside noticeable disadvantages, there are plenty of benefits one gets from using all the modern gadgets and appliances. As Detweiler (2013) points out, we evolve thanks to technology, and this fact makes us set forward goals and reach out to them. With the help of technological innovations, parents can always stay confident about the safety of their children, for they can know their exact location. Distance means nothing when one acquires an opportunity to make a call, send a text message, share photos, or talk through a video chat.


Detweiler, C. (2013). iGods: How technology shapes our spiritual and social lives. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press.

Goudie, A. S. (2013). The human impact on the natural environment: Past, present, and future. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

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