Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools


The problem of teenagers dropping out of school has not been an issue of the third world countries only. The problem is also experienced in American schools. There are numerous reasons behind this issue. Teenagers have to cope with eminent challenges of which at times they succumb to leading to some dropping out of schools while others take their life and the life of their fellow teenagers. Little effort has been made to address these problems leading to them continuing to spoil the life of the victims. This paper aims at discussing some of the problems experienced by teenagers in American schools.

Violence and racism

One of the problems experienced in American schools by teenagers is violence and racism. Despite most of the leaders and artists fighting against the vice, it has been found to still thrive within most of the American schools. For many years, cases have been reported where teenagers from specific race have been victimized by their colleagues. Some have even ended up losing their life in the cruel hands of their victimizers due to their race. Some students drop out of school due to being threatened by their colleagues. No one would be courageous enough to remain in the same school knowing that his life is at stake. Reporting the case to the relevant authority in school does not help in any way as even the teachers are afraid of some of these teens who cause violence in schools (Allen, 2009, para. 2-5). Being left with no option, these teenagers end up dropping out of school or looking for transfer to avoid being injured. For those who remain in the school, their education performance is drastically affected as it is hard for such teens to concentrate.

Relationship problems

It is normal for students in their teenage to get involved in relationships. At times, these relationships do more harm than good to their life in schools. Despite sex education being taught in American schools and students being warned against indulging in sexual activities while at school, most female teenagers fall victims of these relationships. Through peer influence, teenagers encourage one another to participate in sexual acts leading to some getting pregnant. Such students end up deferring or terminating their education as they retreat to their homes to take care of their babies. Girls have also reported to be looked down upon by their boys’ counterparts when at school (Coley, 2010, para. 1-3). Incidents of boys using demeaning sentiments towards girls have been witnessed in some of the American schools. This has made it difficult for affected girls to feel comfortable while at school.

Social pressure

Teenagers in American schools have to cope with drugs and weapons that are easily sneaked into schools. Unlike in the past, most of the schools today have to ensure that every student is scanned before being allowed to get into school compound. This is to ensure that they do not bring with them harmful products and weapons that could affect the learning process. This is an indication of the danger that students in American schools live with. Drug barons have found a big catch in most of the schools. Students have been introduced to not only using the drugs but also distributing them at school and to the community after they come out of school (Coley, 2010, para. 4). There are teenagers who complete their education when they are already drug addicts.

Physical pressure

Contradicting information issued by the media and the society has subjected teenagers in American schools into physical pressure. Most of the teenagers in United States suffer from obesity. However, most of the pictures they see in magazines and internet comprise of athletic people. These are the people most of the teens would like to emulate and be associated with. In an effort to emulate these manipulated people, most of the teen ends up indulging in unhealthy eating behavior as well as plastic surgery. Current schools have become more of a problem to teenagers than institutions where they interact and gaining skills (Dew, 1995, para. 2-5). Teenagers currently go to schools show off how they have come from well of families with most of them carrying with them expensive gadgets or wearing expensively. For those who hail from poor families, they end up suffering from depression.


The problems experienced by teenagers in American schools can not be attributed to them rather they can be attributed to the society and media. For decades, the society has not taken stringent measures to ensure that students do not engage in dangerous activities such as drug use and distribution. School authorities have left students dress and act as they please while in schools. This has given them an opportunity to indulge in activities such as prostitution to ensure that they are capable of up keeping themselves. The media has issued contradicting information to the teenagers rather than educating them on ways of ensuring that they maintain their body figures. It is the high time that that the society responds to these problems before most of the teenagers end up giving up in life. Educating them on the importance of education and effects of engaging in some activities will go a long way in getting off most of the vices conducted by students in schools.

Reference List

Allen, K. (2009). Problems facing teens today. Web.

Coley, T. (2010). Challenges in American public high schools today. Web.

Dew, D. (1995). The troubles teens face. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 27). Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools. https://studycorgi.com/teenagers-problems-in-american-high-schools/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools." November 27, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/teenagers-problems-in-american-high-schools/.


StudyCorgi. "Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools." November 27, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/teenagers-problems-in-american-high-schools/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools." November 27, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/teenagers-problems-in-american-high-schools/.

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