Terrorism & Emergency Management: Homeland Security

Article Summary

Waugh’s (2004) article on “Terrorism, Homeland Security and the National Emergency, Management Network”, provides information on the ability and potential of the federal, state, and local agencies to respond to terrorist activities and natural disasters like earthquakes. This includes an overview of the Homeland Security department, which is staked with the responsibilities of disaster management and responding to terrorism activities. Moreover, the article further focuses on emergency management in terms of collaboration, cooperation, and transparency values. This includes the analysis of the resources, which are available for use by the national emergency systems.


The article is important since it provides information on the functionality of Homeland Security, which is an essential department in terms of maintenance of security and responding to disasters and terrorism activities. This department is also involved in the formulation and implementation of strategies of measures of countering terrorism. In terms of social responsibility, the article illustrates that all people have to take part in ensuring that they live in safe environments. This includes keeping off and reporting terrorism activities and participating actively in disaster management training. As such, one is able to focus on the safety of humans, as well as the environment and resources endowed to man.


As a result of this article, the perception of government being the sole provider of security and responding to the disaster has changed. In this, it is clear that people have to join the government and other agencies, which are involved in national disaster management. In addition, the article has depicted that technology is essential for all disaster management agencies. This is because technology creates a platform for communication. Communication enhances the effective sharing of knowledge and information, which contributes to improvement in the efficiency of disaster management agencies.

Change in Administration

The new policy of the Homeland Security Department is different from the old (Bush, 2001). This policy focuses on the creation of a network for all disaster management agencies. This network is used as a means of communication. However, the network is characterized by cultural clashes. Cultural clashes may limit the efficiency and effectiveness of the network. As such, strategies have been formulated, which have aided in countering the limitations of cultural clashes. On the same note, the created network is often motivated in order to improve its level of performance.


I agree with the change in the new policy. This is because the establishment of a network is essential for knowledge and information sharing. This contributes towards the adoption of a single policy, which is focused on improvement in the performance level of the disaster management agencies. Furthermore, the network creates room for the effective sharing of limited resources, which are used in responding to disasters and terrorism activities.

Work Summary

Terrorism and disaster management are significant issues, which affect the livelihood of citizens in a country, as well as the available resources of such citizens. This includes the effective economic status of a country in a negative manner. As such, there is a need to have a collaborative effort from state and federal government and citizens to address these issues. This should also include non-government organizations, which are focused on addressing terrorism issues.

However, this may not occur effectively if there is no sharing of limited resources. The creation of a network platform for all agencies involved in terrorism response and disaster management provides room for sharing these resources and communication. This contributes to handling the issues of terrorism and natural disaster management effectively.

Reference List

Bush, G. W. (2001). “War on terrorism: Homeland security.” Vital Speeches of the Day, 68 (4), 98-101.

Waugh, W. L., J.R. (2003). “Terrorism, homeland security and the national emergency management network.” Public Organization Review, 3 (4), 373-385.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Terrorism & Emergency Management: Homeland Security." December 3, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/terrorism-and-homeland-security/.


StudyCorgi. "Terrorism & Emergency Management: Homeland Security." December 3, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/terrorism-and-homeland-security/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Terrorism & Emergency Management: Homeland Security." December 3, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/terrorism-and-homeland-security/.

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