That Which Concerns a Prince on the Subject of the Art of War

It is important to note that warfare and the ability to defend oneself are key aspects of rule and governance. There is a reason why the largest and most powerful nations on the planet invest heavily in their militaries, such as the United States, and China, or Russia. The strength and stability of a nation are mostly reliant on its autonomy, which cannot be guaranteed without military might. This is why Russia, having an economy of one US state, can invade its neighbors and impact world affairs. Therefore, Niccolo Machiavelli’s statements on the art of war are justified and valid, which can be translated into a personal experience as well.

The centerpiece of the Machiavellian principle is that ends justify the means, which is true in a majority of cases, especially when the well-being and security of an entire nation are concerned. The diplomat stated that “it is seen that when princes have thought more of ease than of arms they have lost their states” (Machiavelli para. 1). In other words, the term ‘prince’ can be interpreted as a person or government in the modern age. The latter is more applicable when talking about geopolitics at large. There are numerous examples in history when nations had weak militaries and were not able to deter their enemies or even defend themselves effectively. Thus, having a massive defense budget and offensive capabilities is critical to ensuring security and safety. For instance, NATO is a prime example of this Machiavellian principle, which is the only reason why no alliance member was invaded or threatened seriously. The prioritization and criticality of warfare and its rules and disciplines are as relevant today as they were during Machiavelli’s time of writing on the given subject.

When it comes to personal experiences and individual-level observations, the Machiavellian principle still has plausible application. For example, since adolescence, my father always emphasized that I needed to have how to defend myself both physically and legally. For the former part, he used to send me to a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts school in our neighborhood so I could learn some basics of self-defense. The most useful aspect is that its techniques do not heavily rely on being tall or heavy. For the latter part, he encouraged me to know my rights and legal boundaries, and he taught me the basics because he was a lawyer himself. The diplomat stated that “the first cause of your losing it is to neglect this art, and what enables you to acquire a state is to be master of the art” (Machiavelli para. 1). On the personal level, the term ‘state’ can be interpreted as one’s goal for security, safety, and confidence. Being physically prepared for self-defense and legally literate allowed me to act with greater courage to confront my fears as well as a caution to avoid dangers. Thus, I agree with the underlying message of the passage.

In conclusion, ends justify means to a certain extent because the ability to be victorious in a conflict, such as war or an individual confrontation is vital for safety and security. The latter two are essential pillars of stability and prosperity, and one does need to look far in the history books or personal experiences. Every person should allocate some time and effort to learn about his or her legal rights, and he or she should spend some time learning a form of self-defense.

Work Cited

Machiavelli, Niccolo. “Medieval Sourcebook: Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince [Excerpts], 1513.” Fordham University, Web.

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