Governor and Public Policy: Formal and Informal Powers


When a person becomes an elected governor, they use formal and informal powers to influence public policy. I have recently been elected the Governor of Texas because I promised to address four significant issues. They include controlling immigration from Mexico, controlling spending on social programs, ensuring that the death penalty is applied fairly, and improving k-12 education. Thus, the paper will explain why these issues have helped me win the elections and what specific formal and informal powers can be used to get each policy passed by the legislature.

Effective Campaign Issues

This section will comment on why the issues above helped me become the Governor of Texas. Firstly, the state borders Mexico, and it is a typical case that numerous Mexicans illegally cross the border to work and live in the United States. Consequently, many people believe that these illegal immigrants contribute to higher crime rates and other social issues in Texas. Secondly, the promise to control spending on welfare, food stamps and Medicaid was active because these issues directly influenced the quality of life. As a result, citizens thought that I would manage to make their life better. Thirdly, the application of the death penalty is topical for Texas because the state occupies a leading position based on the number of executions. It means that every case of capital punishment should deserve significant attention to ensure that the right person is pronounced guilty. Finally, improving k-12 education is of significance for Texas since this issue will make children attend obligatory classes, which, in turn, will contribute to a more civilized nation in the future.

According to Newell et al. (2016), the promise to address the issues above are characteristic features of the Savior. The campaign message is to solve the problems that are significant for numerous citizens. Since the matters above refer to various life spheres, almost every person in Texas will benefit if they are turned into reality. That is why one can say that this campaign strategy focuses on Texas citizens irrespective of their party identification, geographical location, age, and economic status. However, Latinos will be more likely to oppose the strategy because of the promise to address an immigration issue.

Summary of Formal and Informal Powers

Formal powers are connected to the Governor’s office, and they do not differ irrespective of who holds the office. Tenure potential refers to the fact that the Governor of Texas does not witness any limitations on how many four-year terms they may serve (Newell et al., 2016). Appointive powers provide this public officer with essential advantages because this person can appoint those individuals who will support him or her in the future. Removal powers, in turn, allow the Governor to remove appointees who fail to perform their duties adequately. However, it only relates to those individuals who have been appointed by this Governor, and the Senate should approve such a removal. Furthermore, the Governor of Texas has budgetary powers to persuade the Legislative Budget Board and eliminate some items from the budget, while supervising authorities allow this politician to review state agencies (Newell et al., 2016). Finally, the Governor’s right to veto is the most significant legislative power, while the opportunity to appoint and oversee the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles is an example of their judicial authority (Newell et al., 2016).

At the same time, informal powers are not guaranteed by the Constitution, and they vary significantly depending on who holds the office. Party power is the first example, and it refers to the fact that a party image can either strengthen or damage the Governor’s reputation. The power of popularity depends on how many people support the Governor. The higher this percentage, the easier it is for the public officer to achieve their agenda (Newell et al., 2016). The power to represent the state allows the Governor of Texas to participate in national and international meetings where it is possible and necessary to promote the interests of the people. Finally, the power of staff is essential because the Governor of Texas has from 200 to 300 people on their team. Consequently, these individuals can provide this public official with sufficient support to bring their promises to life.

Formal Powers Applied to Issues

The given section will explain that the Governor of Texas can exercise specific formal powers to address each issue described above. Firstly, it is possible to solve the Mexican immigration issue with the help of legislative power. It refers to the fact that the Governor can veto some bills that promote this immigration instead of controlling it. Secondly, the Governor’s budgetary authorities are sufficient to control spending on social programs. It is so because the right to veto some parts of the budget will help provide social spheres with the necessary funds. Even though the Governor of Texas cannot determine if a person will be executed, they appoint the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles members who have such powers. Finally, the appointive authorities will be useful to improve k-12 education. It is so because the Governor can appoint qualified and experienced public officials who will promote this education plan.

Informal Powers Applied to Issues

In addition to that, informal powers are useful to turn the issues above into reality. The right to represent the state is suitable to address the immigration issue because this problem can be solved at the international level. When it comes to controlling spending on social programs, the power of staff is of significance. It is so because experienced politicians will help the Governor of Texas distribute financial resources more adequately. Furthermore, the power of popularity is a practical resource to ensure that the death penalty is applied fairly. When the Governor has public support, their claim that a specific person should be given a pardon or parole can have a significant impact on society. This strategy will persuade the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to avoid executing this individual. Finally, the party power will be sufficient to improve k-12 education since this issue can only be addressed with the help of larger political bodies.


A person can become the Governor if they manage to persuade people that their service will result in essential advantages for a community. As for Texas, these positive features are controlling immigration from Mexico, controlling spending on social programs, ensuring that the death penalty is applied fairly, and improving k-12 education. The Governor of Texas has both formal and informal powers to address each of the issues above. However, one should emphasize that the most beneficial results can be reached when the public official combines all their powers to achieve their agenda.


Newell, C., Prindle, D. F., & Riddlesperger, J. (2016). Texas politics (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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