The Age of Exploration and the European Conquest


In order to embrace the full extent of the changes that have transpired over the course of the known history of humankind, an array of concepts needs to be incorporated into the analysis. Throughout this course, a plethora of critical concepts has been studied. However, among the core ones that created the greatest impression, one should mention the Mongol Empire, the Black Death, the age of exploration, and the European conquest. Representing crucial forces that shaped the development of human history, the specified phenomena are worthy of studying closer. Specifically, the perception of the Mongol empire has shifted from viewing them as barbaric savages to a more profound understanding of their culture. Additionally, the causes of the Black Death have become more apparent, serving as an important historical lesson. The age of exploration has introduced the importance of using the experiential method of proving scientific hypotheses, and the European conquest shed light on the phenomenon of colonialism.


The Power of Spain

The concept of a powerful country was reflected in the late 1400s-early 1500s in the vast economic opportunities that opened to the country due to conquests. Therefore, power implied the ability to conquer other countries, of which Spain was quite capable. Additional trade routes provided possibilities to receive various goods from different countries. This could affect the situation of people in the country, as opportunities for trade and exchange opened, which affected the financial situation of the population. The concept of colonization had a low probability of meaning directly to people. However, the opening of new territories gave opportunities for obtaining unique things. Thus, it was noticed by the citizens of Spain, which contributed to the development of understanding the meaning of a “strong” country. In the aspect of international relations, successful colonization increased the influence of the country, as other sectors had reduced opportunities to introduce trade and influence underdeveloped countries.

Speaking about the Spanish conquests of America, it is necessary to consider many factors, including economic and health-related ones. Certainly, the disease significantly impacted simplifying the process of capturing cities already towards the end of the war in the 1520s – 1540s (Chaliand, 2019). On the other hand, the Spaniards should be perceived as a strong country with many advantages. Scientific and technological progress played an important role in the process of conquest, which demonstrated the superiority of one of the parties (Chaliand, 2019). It is worth noting that the role of firearms in the conquest was minimal. However, cavalry primarily played the leading role as a powerful tactical weapon.

The total discrepancy played a significant role in the organization of the troops. The army of the conquistadors was a single well-coordinated organism, completely subordinate to the commander-in-chief (Chaliand, 2019). The death penalty could await the conquistador not only for retreating without order but also for being able to launch an offensive without an order. It is worth mentioning that the Indian army was built on entirely different grounds (Chaliand, 2019). The commander had to lead the army to the battlefield, and then the scope of a personal initiative began. Thus, there were many more factors that should be taken into account when talking about the “strength” of Spain.

Was Portugal Powerful?

One of the reasons that prompted Portugal to expand in overseas lands was the small area of the state, which limited the possibilities for economic and socio-demographic development of the country. Portugal had a land border only with a stronger Spain, which it simply could not compete with attempts to expand its territory. On the other hand, the aspirations of the Portuguese political and economic elite increased significantly in the XV-XVI centuries (Pruitt, 2021). Portugal understood that maritime expansion was the only way to turn the country into a strong state with serious positions in world politics and the economy. It was necessary to establish a monopoly in the trade of certain goods and create solid points and colonies in the most critical regions for overseas trade (Pruitt, 2021). The Portuguese elite began preparing expeditions in search of a sea route to India. Consequently, Portugal cannot be considered a really “strong” country for that period of time. However, it had a particular influence, which was built through the skillful use of trade routes.

Balance of Power

Speaking about African and Asian empires, several features should be highlighted. First of all, as noted earlier, the basis of international relations was the factor of colonization and ownership of trade routes (Brooks, 2020). Thus, having extensive lands and rich resources, these empires became the priority goal of the European powers (Brooks, 2020). An important factor here is scientific and technological progress, which significantly allowed Europeans to dominate maritime space (Brooks, 2020). All this became the basis for the fact that African and Asian countries had much fewer development opportunities. Thus, in the late 1400 – early 1500s, there were no pronounced “centers of power”. However, the influence of the European powers, which flourished due to the control of vast sea routes, is highlighted. Consequently, this was the main criterion for determining a “strong” nation.


Brooks, C. (2020). European exploration and conquest. In Western Civilization: A Concise History.

Chaliand, G. (2019). Mirrors of a disaster: The Spanish military conquest of America (1st ed.). Routledge.

Pruitt, S. (2021). How Portugal’s seafaring expertise launched the age of exploration. History.

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