The Air Monitoring System in Dallas

On 29 December 2020, The Nature Conservancy in Texas, City of Dallas, and Texas A&M Transportation Institute started to install air quality monitors in nine Dallas neighborhoods. This ordinance is a part of the Breathe Easy Dallas project on that week. Breathe Easy Dallas is a collaboration with Texas A&M University Transportation Institute (TTI) Center for Advanced Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy and Health (CARTEEH), the City, and The Nature Conservancy in Texas (Green Dallas, 2022). Some other organizations are also participating in this project, and their aim is to monitor air quality in the neighborhood to improve the environmental condition.

This ordinance has a potentially positive impact on the environment as it will have useful consequences. Firstly, in case of detection of a high amount of harmful substances in the air, appropriate measures will be taken. Moreover, given that there are a fairly large number of cars on the territory, I agree with this order. It has great potential since, in case of unsatisfactory indicators, measures will be taken to improve the ecological situation. Moreover, such a program will lead to improved understanding and development of air monitoring systems. It is important as there are many people at risk in the polluted air. Pollution issue is especially acute for the elderly and children, or people with ongoing illnesses.

The potential for this directive is also supported by the COVID 19 pandemic, which typically affects the lungs. In this regard, air monitoring is an integral part of healthcare since polluted air impairs not only immunity but also the condition of the lungs. To sum up, I can say that I fully agree with this ordinance, and I consider it to have a significant impact on the environment in the future.


It’s a New Year – Breathe Easy Dallas. (2020) Green Dallas. Web.

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