The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career

Allied health is a department of health care that deals with the delivery of services that involves the identification, evaluation, and prevention of diseases and disorders, dietetics, rehabilitation, and health systems management. Two careers that are of interest within the allied health segment are dietetics and physical therapy. Dieticians are involved in the planning of menus and overseeing the preparation of food (, 2021a). They also provide education to different groups such as senior citizens, pregnant women, and individuals with diabetes on which food to eat and the ones to avoid. Other opportunities include working for food companies and testing new food products and equipment. Other responsibilities of a dietician include evaluating the effects of meal plans and making changes where needed. To get licensed in the field of dietetics, one needs a bachelor’s degree in nutrition or a related field from a recognized institution. In some states, only registered dieticians can perform certain tasks, which means that it is essential to get certifications.

Physical therapy involves helping injured or ill people to improve their movement and manage pain. In most cases, physical therapists work in private offices, clinics, hospitals, patient homes, and nursing homes. The job is demanding because the therapist spends most of their time actively engaging patients. To become a physical therapist, one requires a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. In all the states, a license is needed to practice as a physical therapist (, 2021b). Interpersonal, compassion, communication, ability to identify and solve complex problems, and detail orientation are skills that I possess that can enhance my success in both dietetics and physical therapy. My short-term goal is to be certified as a practitioner in allied health upon completion of my degree. The long-term goal is to provide comprehensive patient-centered care in either the dietetics or physical therapy segment.

References (2021a). Nutrition and Dietetic Technician. Web. (2021b). Surgical Technologist. Web.

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