Master Organizational Chart
The chart includes the senior executive leadership tasked with providing healthcare governance and giving priorities to initiatives. The Guidance team performs the role of providing a steady-state domain while the clinical team refines the output of workgroups and general implementation. The workgroup is responsible for providing the clinical content and feedback for analysis. The content and analytics team is responsible for supporting clinical content and feedback for the analytics.

Supplementary Chart

The clinic guidance and support team leader’s department involves a simple chart that includes the team leader, team coordinator, and the clinic staff. The team leader and coordinator oversee the responsibilities of the clinical staff. The clinic support plays an important role in assisting the healthcare staff and professionals to effectively deliver patient care (Tse et al., 2018). Some of the tasks involve welcoming and explaining treatment methods to patients while adhering to updating records.
Centralized or Decentralized Organization
The direction of the company relies on an individual decision based on a centralized organization structure. Since in small business the owner is responsible for its operation, the company uses this structure. In a decentralized organization, several individuals are responsible for making decisions and running the business. Therefore, there should be careful consideration when selecting which type of organization to use. In a centralized structure, the owner remains the head of the business operation, which is beneficial to the organization’s owner (Elrod & Fortenberry, 2017). Large organizations have several departments which require a decentralized structure. The output of the business and the volume of the customers served can significantly determine the organization structure. The owners of businesses can consider changing the organization structure depending on the expansion and growth.
Management Positions that Appear to Have the Broadest Span of Control
The organization’s system value, such as the health care organization, does not require constant close supervision considering that employees engage in direct reporting, thus making it easier to take abroad span control in terms of their numbers. In this organization, a given region containing several divisions can be controlled by an individual who oversees these departments in several separated areas (Elrod & Fortenberry, 2017). The healthcare professional is understood to be a specialist, thus not requiring close supervision.
Single Departmental Chain of Command
A chain of command describes some organizations’ traditional structure reporting relationships such as the military, corporations, religious institutions, government entities, and universities. It passes information to vendors and customers on whom they would consider for which decision during their interaction. It also communicates the job titles, definition of each level of the organization, and it further communicates responsibilities and authority to stakeholders of the organization and outsiders. When the information is passed from one employee to another, the communication and decisions are highly controlled as the information flow through the organization down the chain of command (Daylamani-Zad, Graham & Paraskevopoulos, 2019). In the chain of command, the traditional structure is intentional, and it controls the allocation of power and the dissemination of information tightly.
Original Master Chart to Flatten the Organization
The master chart is a result of dramatic losses in business activities. The overall flattened master chart appears as shown below:

Daylamani-Zad, D., Graham, L. B., & Paraskevopoulos, I. T. (2019). Chain of command in autonomous cooperative agents for battles in real-time strategy games. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(1), 21-52. Web.
Elrod, J. K., & Fortenberry, J. L. (2017). Centers of excellence in healthcare institutions: what they are and how to assemble them. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), 15-24. Web.
Tse, D., Chow, C. K., Ly, T. P., Tong, C. Y., & Tam, K. W. (2018). The challenges of big data governance in healthcare. In 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (pp. 1632-1636).