The Art of Dancing: Public Education


Jacques d’ Amboise is an American dancer known for his widely successful program aimed at teaching young school children the art of dancing. He began by teaching just 30 kids, but the course was so popular that it quickly expanded to have over a thousand students and many talented teachers (National Dance Institute).

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Dance is usually not viewed as an integral part of public education, and children rarely see it as something more important than math and science, I certainly did not. However, it does seem to appeal to children much more than the physically constrained traditional subjects. Perhaps its place in education is that of a more fun alternative to sports.

There is also a surprising argument for a business-oriented application of dance. In his TEDTalk, John Bohannon suggests that we all begin to use dancers as an effective replacement for boring presentations (Bohannon). Naturally, he uses dancers to illustrate his idea, and it works brilliantly.


Although hiring a group of professional performers to aid in a speech is not always a viable option, it could be useful at large press conferences and other public events. Even educators could learn some moves to captivate their audience and ensure a better understanding of the material. Regardless of the specific application, dance would be a welcome addition to the overly formal modern world.


Bohannon, John. “Dance vs. Powerpoint, a Modest Proposal.” TEDxBrussels, Web.

National Dance Institute. “He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin’ (23 Minute Version).” YouTube, 2013, Web.

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