The Article Analysis About Among Teachers in Ghana


For the current essay, the article entitled “Organizational justice and job satisfaction as predictors of turnover intentions among teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana” by Addai et al. (2018) was chosen as the most relevant. To demonstrate concepts learned throughout the course, they will be applied for the article. The following three questions will be included: whether the study is replicable and what the evidence is; whether the study is in generalization mode or theory testing; what further implications of the study are.

Main body

Firstly, the study is replicable because other researchers can pose the same question and utilize the same methods and tools as they were clearly defined and explained. Moreover, Addai et al. (2018) involved more than 35 percent of the population in their research (114 out of 300). It means that it is possible to apply the same research techniques to other Ghana districts to obtain consistent results.

Secondly, the research is conducted in generalization mode, as it has high external validity in terms of both population and environment (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019). Further, a real-world situation is essential for the present research because they interview working teachers. Besides, the study prioritizes construct validity by using highly reliable instruments to measure the variables. Thirdly, the research is significant in the real world, especially in the governmental management, because it demonstrates that teachers’ turnover intentions are highly connected with organizational justice and job satisfaction (Addai et al., 2018). The information allows governmental institutions to adjust their management strategies for lowering turnover intentions.


In conclusion, it should be stated that the study is replicable: its methods can be utilized to test other teachers in Ghana or different parts of the world. Moreover, the research is done in generalization mode, implying high external and construct validity and the importance of a real-world situation. Besides, the obtained results are significant for the practice, as they provide clues for lowering teachers’ turnover intentions.


Addai, P., Kyeremeh, E., Abdulai, W., & Sarfo, J. O. (2018). Organizational justice and job satisfaction as predictors of turnover intentions among teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 7(2), 235-243. Web.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Reproducibility and replicability in science. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "The Article Analysis About Among Teachers in Ghana." February 5, 2022.

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