The Aspects of Systems Engineering


Systems engineering has always fascinated me endlessly, as it is a complex and constantly developing field that permeates the majority of human activities and institutions in the modern world. This passion led me to pursue Instrumentation and Control Engineering at the National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T). Having received my Bachelor’s degree, I went on to pursue an M. Eng. in Systems Engineering and certification in Reliability Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. I have also been fortunate to gain extensive experience working on many projects during my years of study and specifically since I started working as a Process Control Systems Engineer at Micron Technology in 2020.


The expertise gained during my years in this company has demonstrated to me the importance of project management skills in Systems Engineering. One needs to acquire various competencies, such as leadership, effective communication, and deep knowledge of the subject, to achieve success in this field (Keats, 2020). Therefore, some of the most valuable qualifications I have gained include leadership skills developed while working in research and development teams. As a Process Control Systems Engineer, I am in charge of developing and delivering training and training materials on control systems and related topics. In addition, I provide technical oversight, guidance, and support for process control implementation. Concerning specific examples, I have collaborated with my colleagues on Continuous Improvement Projects and helped to resolve questions and disputes regarding the operational approach. This experience was pivotal in my career, and I believe I have positively impacted the project outcomes and significantly improved my leadership competencies during this period of collaboration.


My future educational goals primarily concern the application of my theoretical knowledge in project management practice. Namely, I intend to enhance my project productivity and performance while also working on my soft skills, including leadership and communication competencies. To achieve these goals, I have chosen to pursue graduate work at Harrisburg University because I believe that its project management program will be a significant contribution to the development of my career. I am eager to use all the training opportunities provided by the university, and I am going to ensure that my academic performance meets the highest standards expected.


Keats, B. (2020). Statistical process control in automated manufacturing. CRC Press.

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