Gender Equality in Daily Life: Fictional Works Analysis

Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening”, Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”, Lucille Clifton’s “Homage to my Hips”, Rebecca Fulleylove’s “The Feline Artist Whose Work You Need to Know”, RBG directed by Betsy West and Julie Cohen all discuss different aspects of gender equality. I agree with the overall message of these works, which is that everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender. I think that these ideas can be applied to life circumstances and the choices we make on a day-to-day basis relative to issues of gender equality.

For example, in “The Awakening”, Kate Chopin discusses the struggles of a woman trying to break free from the constraints of society. She is not content with being a housewife and mother and wants to explore her sexuality, ultimately leading to her downfall (Hellystia, 2021). In addition, she was brave enough to try to break free from the expectations of her gender. I think it is essential to be aware of the expectations placed on us and to question them. Why should we conform to someone else’s idea of what is “normal” or “acceptable”? Everyone should all be free to express themselves in whatever we see fit, regardless of gender.

Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” is another example of a work that discusses gender equality. In this poem, she celebrates the beauty of a woman’s body, regardless of size or shape. She challenges the idea that there is only one type of beauty, and she celebrates the fact that women come in all different shapes and sizes. I think this is an important message because we are often bombarded with images of “perfect” women who conform to a very narrow standard of beauty. It is important to remember that beauty comes in all different forms and that we should all be celebrated for our unique beauty.

Lucille Clifton’s “Homage to My Hips” is another poem that celebrates the beauty of a woman’s body, regardless of its size or shape. In this poem, she talks about how her hips are “large and full” and how they have “carried [her] through life”. She talks about how her hips are “strong” and “full of life” and how they have “seen [her] through good times and bad” ( Hoelzer, 2020). Hence is an important message because it reminds us that our bodies are not something to be ashamed of. Our bodies are solid and full of life and should be celebrated.

Rebecca Fulleylove’s “The Feline Artist Whose Work You Need to Know” is a bit different from the other works I have mentioned in that it does not directly discuss gender equality. However, I think it is essential to include it because it celebrates the work of a female artist. Too often, women are not given the same recognition as their male counterparts. This article celebrates the work of a female artist who is making a name for herself in the art world, and I think it is important to support female artists.

RBG, directed by Betsy West and Julie Cohen, is a documentary about the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ginsburg is a strong advocate for gender equality and has spent her career fighting for women’s rights. I think this documentary is important because it highlights the work of a female who has significantly impacted the world. It is important to remember that women are capable of great things, and we should all strive to make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, I think it is essential to discuss gender equality in our everyday lives. We should all be treated equally regardless of gender, and we should all be free to express ourselves in whatever we see fit. Everyone should celebrate the beauty of all women, regardless of their size or shape, and also support female professionals or talents. In addition, all should strive to make a difference in the world, just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Hellystia, D. (2021). Edna Pontellier’s endeavors as the main character in Kate Chopin’s” The Awakening” in the nineteenth-century liberal feminism. English Education Journal, 12(4), 642-656.

Hoelzer, K. (2020). The Importance of the Physical: Lucille Clifton’s Poetry about Bodies. AWE (A Woman’s Experience), 7(1), 26.

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