The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran

One of the most famous music videos on YouTube is Ed Sheeran’s clip for the song Bad Habits, which in just one year has collected more than 450 million views. In the video, the performer Ed Sheeran is in a bright and shocking image, and the song itself tells that all bad habits lead to some apparently loved one. The music video is popular with both young and older people due to the vivid images and unusual plot of the clip. The artist is trendy, although he released his first track not so long ago. Nevertheless, Ed Sheeran, thanks to his talent, as well as in an unusual way in video clips, attracts many listeners and actively wins the love of the public.

Comparisons and oppositions, as well as descriptions, will be used as analysis through rhetorical strategies. Comparison and contrast, in this case, will be based on another video clip by Ed Sheeran called Shivers. This video, as well as Bad Habits, is very bright and memorable, and they were both released about a year ago. The main difference is that Shivers has gained only about 243 million views simultaneously, and the Bad Habits clip is almost twice as much. The following strategy is the description, which consists of the fact that the Bad Habits clip begins with the fact that the singer of the song is sitting in a beauty salon and appears to people in the image of a brightly made-up vampire in a crimson suit. There is chaos on the night streets, and people mix with the crowd of vampires. In this crowd, the singer of the song feels wonderful and enjoys everything that is happening around him. The clip ends with the sun rising, and Ed Sheeran and others like him become ordinary people from a bright vampire.

I liked the video because they have a unique atmosphere. In addition, the clip is accompanied by a song that is also one of my favorites. The graphic image of Ed Sheeran and other participants in the music video will not leave anyone indifferent, but it can still cause both positive and negative emotions. Despite this, the clip is worth watching to form your own opinion about it.

Work Cited

Sheeran, Ed. (2021). Ed Sheeran – Bad Habits [Official Video][YouTube]. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 18). The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran'. 18 December.

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StudyCorgi. "The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran." December 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran." December 18, 2023.

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