German Media’s Silence on Refugee Attacks: Köln 2016

The beginning of the year 2016 was darkened by the sad events that took place in German cities that accepted large groups of refugees from the Middle East countries. Only after one to two weeks since the outrageous events took place, the press began to gradually speak the truth about the real problem that exists in German cities due to the uncontrolled masses of male refugees from Middle East countries.

In the early days of the year beginning, the press was speaking about a calm and wonderful New Year Holidays in Köln and other German cities. Meanwhile, hundreds of women were attacked by violent men. The worst fact is that police preferred not to react to the situation. Women, who are legal German citizens with assumable all basic human rights and freedoms, remained unprotected in the heart of the western world. No one helped. Moreover, no one informed the wide public. The press kept on reporting wonderful winter holidays and discussed how well the celebrations continued.

The actual situation was shown in the press much later when the world public began to hear about the violations from alternative sources (Unveiled, 2016). As a result, the German press could no longer hide the violations of authorities. Journalists began to speak about the “good things,” or in other words, they started to speak the truth of what actually took place in Köln and other big German cities in the first days of the New Year. As a result, the world eventually began to learn about the assaults, robberies, rapes, and other crimes committed against German women without any law enforcement consequences.

This illustration from the media shows that journalists are not in a hurry to follow their professional ethics rules. If politics ask or threatens them somehow, the media workers are ready to engage in big lies. These are undoubtedly the bad things about the media. Seeing the violations in the media and informational environment, the growing number of people begins to lose their trust in media. Of course, this is not the case with the majority of consumers. The illustration with the German women and German media reluctant to provide true information about the utter violence and ignorance on the part of authorities shows that currently, it is not the time to accept every piece of information in the media as the “good”. On the contrary, mass media keeps on telling the “bad”.

Evaluating the experience that took place, the “good” and “bad” in the work of the media is how the media specialists choose to present the information. At times, they can even speak about the real and true events, but they may interpret them in a “bad” or untrue way. For instance, it is true that Köln was celebrating the New Year holidays. It is also true that thousands of people were in the city streets. It is even true that the city provided a “special” atmosphere of celebration to the citizens and the guests of the city.

However, the journalists failed to inform that not all city residents were really happy about the “special” celebration atmosphere. Eventually, the truth came up. The whole world has learned about human rights violations in Germany. German citizens who pay enormous taxes to the budget and actually feed the refugees from their pockets were brutally attacked, and no representative of police they finance actually helped.


Unveiled, S. (2016). German police caught concealing numerous cases of rape and molestation by Muslim asylum seekers. WordPress. Web.

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