The Best Sushi Chef Jiro Ono’s Philosophy

The selected chef for this assignment is Jiro Ono, who is globally recognized as the best sushi chef. Sushi is a collection of delicious Japanese cuisines that are sold in several restaurants around the world. Ono is well known for his outstanding specialization in preparing sushi with his philosophy of simplicity. He believes that simplicity in preparing sushi is the only path to cooking enjoyable and delicious sushi delicacies, and he embraces perfectionism as his cooking philosophy. Japanese food makers globally recognize the philosophy since he is among the oldest Japanese chefs with ancient knowledge of preparing sushi.

Master Chef Jiro Ono is famous for advocating for a different way of preparing sushi, the traditional cultural Japanese food. He argues that his way of preparing sushi is special and unique to make customers enjoy a delicious taste of the famous cuisine. His 2012 movie Jiro Dreams of Sushi comprehensively explains his philosophy. In particular, Ono argues that the ready American market has skewed sushi preparation, making it “unauthentic.” (Uehara, 2018). He believes in authenticity and perfectionism, an art he improves daily to make sushi better for his customers (Makalintal, 2022). From a cultural aspect, his work allows people to feel the oriental culture through national food (Luber & Cohen, 2019). The philosophy that helps them in their work is to provide customers with the opportunity to delve into oriental culture and enjoy quality and delicious food.

Some issues in the culinary world that inspire me to be active include food scarcity and food wastage (O’Boyle, 2019). Specifically, food wastage is among the main concerns that will keep me active in my philosophy. Food is wasted because of poor quality cooking, which makes consumers leave excess as leftovers. When meals are prepared in the right manner with the right attitude, incidents of food wastage will be reduced. I see myself becoming active in the issue by participating in campaigns that champion better attitudes in preparing food. Moreover, the chef’s philosophy is outlined in the question of what can be done in terms of the chef’s work to improve the environment (Hansen, 2019). In this regard, one tries to apply strategies that reduce food wastage at work. It is this factor that inspires the chief to remain active and improve the situation.

Several measures can be taken to make chefs like me active in the issue. However, the primary intervention is education and knowledge about food preservation to avoid wastage. Learning institutions should embrace holistic learning where chefs are taught to enjoy cooking to reduce issues like food wastage. Chefs should also form unions that campaign for food conservation and positive attitudes toward cooking, as this will increase their chances of being active in the issue. Speaking of pathways, which are open to the chef to become an active participant, one should note the desire and opportunity to improve the environment through their work. It implies reducing food waste, and when one can notice the result, it inspires further activity.


Hansen, M. T. (2019). Great at work: The hidden habits of top performers. Simon and Schuster.

Luber, M., & Cohen, B. (2019). Stuff every sushi lover should know. Quirk Books.

Makalintal, B. (2022). Jiro and the impossible dream of authenticity. Eater. Web.

O’Boyle, T. (2019). The top 5 problems with the global food system. AMP Global Youth. Web.

Uehara, M. (2018). Chef Jiro Ono is always dreaming of ways to improve his sushi. The Straits Times. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "The Best Sushi Chef Jiro Ono’s Philosophy." January 26, 2024.

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