The Book “Women Rowing North” by Mary Pipher

As little more than a woman, the notion of becoming older can be frightening. You can accept a new reality and identity when you reach the sixties in a world that values women for their freshness and witty. In Women rowing north: navigating life’s currents and flourishing as we age by Mary Pipher, there are several ideas, but the one resonating in me is caring for others, but not self-care.

Getting older may be isolating and difficult, particularly for women. Despite this, I believe that majority of the aging women are ecstatic and grateful for life’s blessings because of the care they give. The idea surprises me since society portrays women negatively, and these women are outstanding in providing care. The community misrepresents older women. Their challenges help them become honest, compassionate, and wise persons. In my experience, I remember my grandmother, whose love for us is endless; she often cared for her granddaughters and sons. Typically, this is the same situation in Pipher’s story. Pipher describes many ideas regarding women in their seventies (Pipher, 2020). She brands them as caring for others but not for themselves. Most women prioritize their daughters and sons, as she explains. Indeed women are for their children.

The Pipher did not capture the idea that women must set limits when caring for others. I believe that women need to have some time that brings restoration and peace in their old age. Self-care is essential as it is healthy for the human mind since caring for others is stressful. Willow is worried after falling sick and, most importantly, about how she will care for others (Pipher, 2020). In most cases agree with the author’s remarks. However, the situation represented in this book is similar to several of my encounters. So far, my previous views have resulted from the cultural values of society.


Pipher, M. B. (2020). Women rowing north navigating life’s currents and flourishing as we age. Large Print Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company.

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