The Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement

The Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (CEPI) is a medical research organization dedicated to studying and reviewing healthcare delivery in institutions. This organization uses evidence-based research to understand how doctors can practice more effectively. The organization’s evidence-based practice research focuses on paying attention to all patient groups. The organization’s activities aim to ensure better safety for both patients and to attend physicians (CEPI, 2021). The organization is constantly working and conducting research in order to provide suitable working tools to facilitate clinical decision-making.

In addition, the organization studies the impact of modern technology on medical practice. Understanding how information technology can help clinicians make evidence-based decisions is essential. CEPI is constantly expanding its collaboration opportunities to improve the applicability of proposed enhancements. The organization has great potential in the field of evidence-based medicine research. This is achieved due to the fact that the company manages the National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research.

The organization has five departments that deal with different areas. These are such divisions as the Evidence-based Practice Center Program, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Program, Division of Healthcare Delivery and Systems Research, Division of Digital Healthcare Research, and Division of Practice Improvement. As their names suggest, each division is responsible for a specific area of ​​operation in which they specialize. This helps the organization to work more productively by distributing tasks among specialized departments. The first division deals with the synthesis of evidence-based methods combining reliable and rigorous methods (CEPI, 2021). The second division provides support for scientific research, and the third conducts research. The fourth division is looking for ways to implement information technology in medicine. The latter department evaluates and develops ways to improve clinical practice.


Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (2021). Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement. AHRQ. Web.

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