The chosen object is the City of Avon Park or the City of Charm. This historical district is situated in Florida, Highlands City. This district takes its names from William Shakespeare’s famous hometown in England, Stratford-upon-Avon. The City of Avon Park includes thirteen buildings that are estimated to be of high value in terms of the historic heritage of the United States. This Visual Analysis guide will examine the architecture and artistic matters expressed in the given historical district.
The Jacaranda Hotel is one of the most well-known landmarks of the City of Charm. The area of historic buildings starts from South Delaney Avenue and runs along Main Street (“Welcome to Avon Park, FL”). Similarly, to other historical buildings of the district, the Jacaranda Hotel belongs to National Historic Register. The hotel was built by William J. Heim in 1926. The medium of the building is brick. Therefore, the building is of the chestnut color. It can be seen that the building is designed in the classical revival architecture style. As a result, the building includes such formal elements as a number of vertical lines (for example, columns), the presence of proportions, and spaces. The building is famous for its gracious high ceilings and a great number of hallways. In addition to that, The Jacaranda Hotel is still operating. The subject matter of this landmark is the representation of severity, grace and charm merged together. According to my personal observation, this building evokes such feeling as awe and being captured by solemnity. The public opinion about the building is that it is a “gracious lady” of the entire historical district. The locals treat the landmark with respect and admiration.

The doors of the Jacaranda Hotel are still open to all tourists. The building was built at the beginning of the twentieth century and is perceived to be one of the most famous landmarks of the district. The classical architecture style gave the building such elements as the surplus of vertical elements (columns) and proportion (arcades, ornamentation). The building was designed to represent the combination of severity and grace.
Works Cited
The Jacaranda Hotel. 2020, Web.
“Welcome to Avon Park, FL”. Avonpark.Cc, 2020, Web.