The CN Tower Is the World Cultural Heritage Site


Among the world’s architectural structures, Toronto’s CN Tower occupies a significant place as one of the unique objects with a distinctive form. Its role, both in the culture of Canada and globally, is explained by an extraordinary approach to construction and a non-standard design. The CN Tower is the world cultural heritage site, and for Canadian society, it has symbolized independence and freedom for several decades.

Features of the Building Process

The CN Tower is one of the landmarks not only of Toronto but also of Canada as a whole. Its construction took over three years, and in 1976, this object was presented to the public (“Astounding,” n.d.). The main architect of the building was John Andrews, an Australian by birth, who embodied the idea of ​​the tallest structure that stood free (“CN Tower,” n.d.). His team of specialists managed to create an architectural object that had been record-breaking until 2007, but even after that, the Tower did not lose its popularity among tourists (“Astounding,” n.d.). An urban design became the main style of this construction. As the main building element, reinforced concrete was used as the most reliable material. However, as Deriu (2018) notes, over time, to modernize the construction and improve its appearance aesthetically, “a horizontal grid of tempered glass panes was mounted on the viewing gallery 342 m above the ground” (p. 96). This innovation brought additional attention to the Tower and was one of the first architectural solutions that pioneered skywalking as a popular type of entertainment.

In addition to the main architects, a large team worked on this landmark. According to the existing data, annually, about 500 people were employed on the construction site of the CN Tower (“Astounding,” n.d.). As a result of joint efforts, the building reached 553 meters high, and its main observation site was 447 meters high (“CN Tower,” n.d.). Ultimately, the total construction cost of the building was around CA $63 million (“Astounding,” n.d.). Such large expenses were due to the architectural complexity of the design, a large number of builders involved, and other factors. Nevertheless, the investment was not in vain, and the CN Tower has become one of the iconic tourist attractions in the country.

The Tower’s Place in Canadian Society

The CN Tower was the first of its type as a building with a free-standing position. Subsequently, as Deriu (2018) remarks, the architects of many other tall constructions were inspired by this design, and the object may be considered the ancestor of its class. For Canadian society, the Tower has become a symbol of independence and freedom since its proud appearance shows firmness and inflexibility. Thus, due to the idea of ​​one talented person, the unique object was erected by the efforts of hundreds of people who made a colossal contribution to history and built this outstanding and world-famous masterpiece.


The CN Tower is recognized as a great landmark that is a symbol of Toronto and all of Canada and personifies the freedom and power of architectural thought. Despite high costs and builders’ efforts, the construction has proven its relevance as one of the major tourist destinations and had the status of a record holder for several decades. Technical improvements carried out during the existence of the Tower have made it even more attractive and unique.


Astounding. (n.d.). La Tour CN Tower. 

CN Tower. (n.d.). Great Buildings. Web.

Deriu, D. (2018). Skywalking in the city: Glass platforms and the architecture of vertigo. Emotion, Space and Society, 28, 94-103. 

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