The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity in the Workplace


The company that was initially chosen for this assignment is the Coca-Cola company. The home country that the assignment will be analyzing is the United States while the host country is Canada. Coca-Cola is a globally recognized brand that operates worldwide. International leaders need to be well-versed in a variety of business techniques in order to effectively do business with diverse nations (Lane, 2014). Coca-Cola company has felt the effects of multiculturalism due to its nature as a worldwide firm. The three areas of potential diversity between the home and host countries are business negotiating styles, gift-giving beliefs and cultures, gestures and the use of non-verbal communication.

Three Areas of Potential Diversity

Selecting the negotiating styles based on diversity is crucial for a multinational business. There have to be open lines of communication and transparent negotiations between the home and host countries. It is the responsibility of a good leader to ensure a successful negotiation resolution, no matter how severe the circumstances (Cook, 2020). There are approaches that could turn a discussion into a mutually beneficial exchange. In the end, both the buyer and the seller will be content with the transaction.

The beliefs and cultures around gift-giving help to bridge the gap in understanding between the home and host countries. The United States and Canada cannot do business together if they fail to appreciate one another’s cultural differences and diversity. Therefore, a diverse workforce is essential when operating on a global scale. Using Coca-Cola as an example, if the company wanted to do business in Canada, it would be advantageous for them to recruit Canadians. The Canadian employee or worker will provide valuable insight to the American firm on where in Canada the firm’s products would sell best, the preferences of the Canadian public, and other matters related to the host country.

It is important to be aware of the gestures and non-verbal communication a leader employs toward others. Knowing what is considered polite and disrespectful in different cultures is helpful while doing business internationally as it ensures all the workers feel appreciated (Cook, 2020). Additionally, understanding the local customs is crucial for expanding a company’s reach internationally. There is no need of one trying to start a conversation with someone if their gestures and non-verbal cues make them look insensitive to their culture or nation.

Company’s Policy on Diversity

The diversity policy of Coca-Cola states that they will not tolerate any form of discrimination in the workplace and therefore everyone should strive to create a respectful working environment. The company discourages any form of discrimination against the staff based on their race, family status, marital status, sex, gender, disability and age. The company insists on the need to treat all members of the company equally regardless of their career status. If one joins the firm, they will be given the same rights and freedom as the rest of the staff. There is no one among the staff that stands out from the others (Cook, 2020). All employees are guaranteed the same basic protections and are afforded the same legal rights as set forth by the firm.

Plan for Managing the Areas of Diversity

While it may be difficult to manage a diverse workplace and team, the benefits are well worth the effort. If the company wants to succeed as a leader in a multicultural team, they will need to staff the company with the best possible people (Cook, 2020). The organization should find and hire the best candidates for the jobs, preferably ones who have worked in a similar capacity before. It is also important that they identify people to interview that come from a variety of backgrounds. As such, it could be a good idea to have employment advertisements in many locations throughout multiple cities. Additionally, it is critical to document the policies governing the hiring process. For example, the employee handbook should include detailed explanations of company policies on gender equality in recruiting, compensation, and performance (Cook, 2020). Everyone should be treated equally and encourage workers to report to authorities of any form of discrimination that they experience in the workplace.

Team Conflict, Collaboration, Trust in Multicultural Virtual Team

Coca-Cola, like any other business, has and will continue to have internal conflicts and external challenges. It is unrealistic to expect perfection from any business. When two or more members of a team are in conflicts, it can disrupt the flow of communication and productivity within the group, leading to poor results (Management Guide, 2020). Everyone at the organization has their own set of values, but while the team is working together, everyone should put those values aside and instead focus on the team’s goals. Additionally, when the wrong people are put in charge of certain tasks, it can cause conflict within the team. For the team to function properly and achieve its goals, constant collaboration and open lines of communication are required.

Collaborating means working together on a problem with multiple people in order to realize solutions to different problems. As a rule, team members should work together through collaboration to solve any disagreements and conflicts that arise (Kraft et al., 2018). If people do not communicate, they cannot know what each other is thinking. Arguments and conflicts can always be avoided if the parties involved talk to each other and collaborate to realize effective solutions (Management Guide, 2020). Each team should make an effort to collaborate with the others. Holding weekly meetings where team members can update one another on their activities and share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns is one method of collaborating to improve the company as a whole.

One of the most important things for a multinational team to do is work on building trust. A company will fail if there is no mutual trust between leaders and staff (Kraft et al., 2018). A leader’s trust in their team’s ability to get the task done is essential in any organization globally. They should not keep tabs on them too frequently or be too strict with them, since it would simply increase the stress levels of the workers. They should encourage their workers by letting them know that they have confidence in their abilities and that they expect great things from them (Kraft et al., 2018). This will serve as a powerful incentive for staff to do a good job and meet or exceed expectations.

I will manage issues that arise within my business by encouraging open lines of communication where everyone is motivated to share their thoughts and feelings about their experiences. During meetings, everyone should be given a chance to speak since they all have something to contribute (Management Guide, 2020). Every member of staff should be actively engaged in daily communication with every other member of staff. I will empower my team by motivating them and recognizing their hard work towards the success of the company. I will let them know that, despite being in charge, I lack the administrative skills to run the company single-handedly (Management Guide, 2020). It is difficult to run a company without the input of the staffs, because having a variety of perspectives makes solving problems easier.

Role of Women in Leadership Positions

Women are actively supported in advancement opportunities at both the American and Canadian Coca-Cola operations. They have confidence that women can achieve just as much as men can in positions of authority. Both the home and host countries believe that if one dedicates the time and effort and are otherwise qualified for the position, regardless of their gender, they will be promoted to the role of leadership.

There is a wide range of qualities that effective leaders need to have. Leaders are expected to have the academic credentials to back up their authority, including degrees, training documentation, and years of experience at the helm (Hryniewicz & Vianna, 2018). Other defining features include attitude and personality. Pride is a vice for both women and men in leadership position. They should lead by example and cultivate an environment of humility, love, and understanding for their team. They are responsible for providing direction, guidance, and security for their staff. There is a common perception that women in leadership positions achieve equally as much as their male counterparts (Hryniewicz & Vianna, 2018). Therefore, women should be supported in their pursuit of leadership roles, as their contributions may make a positive difference in the workplace and beyond.

How to Conduct Training to Prepare a Manager in the Host Country

It is vital to include the manager’s family in the training process as a means of easing the transition for everyone concerned when the manager begins working in the host country. The manager’s family, including his or her spouse and any children, should be invited to participate in the training process (Ocen et al., 2017). They need orientation classes that teach them about the country’s customs, culture and traditions, as well as the language and location they will be likely visiting on a daily basis. The manager should research all of the relevant aspects of the host country before relocating there.

Documentary training is the first type of training that needs to be provided to the manager. This kind of training involves the use of textbooks and traditional classroom learning. The primary emphasis for this training is to understand the cultural differences between the host and home countries (Ocen et al., 2017). It is crucial because misunderstandings may arise when there are issues of contention between the two countries. Conflicts may also arise as a result of cultural differences, but they may be mitigated to some extent if managers take the time to research the cultures of the country they are working.

When this training is complete, the next step should be cultural simulation training. The trainee engages in cultural simulations in order to role play a variety of scenarios and practice how to respond to cultures appropriately. Scholars feel that if this procedure is carried out in the host nation, it will be more successful (Ocen et al., 2017). Another best method involves bringing in locals from the host nation to assist with the training. The primary objective is to speculate on potential problems that staff members could encounter in the host nation and to brainstorm potential solutions that the manager can implement.

Synergy in the Workplace

When different people from different backgrounds work together toward a same goal, a synergistic effect arises. When a company has internal disagreements or conflicts, the best method to fix them is through synergy among employees. It is useful to work with people from a variety of diverse cultures because they bring new insights to a challenge. When an organization includes a large number of people with different backgrounds and perspectives, it has more tools at its disposal to find a solution to a conflict. Each of the world’s civilizations has its own special qualities and set of skills. While certain groups excel in fields like engineering, technology, and service, other cultures are well-versed in fields like maintenance. Therefore, international organizations can benefit from more workplace synergy.

Cross-Cultural Management Strategies

Cultural synergy is the strategy to cross-cultural management that I have chosen to implement. Cultural synergy approach is one in which both the dominant and subordinate organizations actively work to address issues. Many businesses believe that ignoring issues is the best course of action. The most successful company, is the one that can effectively address the issues that customers have. I selected this strategy because it can be used in resolving any conflicts thus, allow one to collaborate with all workers in a team. Consequently, cultural synergy is the optimal tactic for ensuring the success of any business globally.


In conclusion, it has been evidenced that the areas for potential diversity entail negotiating styles, gift-giving beliefs and cultures, gestures and the use of non-verbal communication. These areas need to be effectively managed for a business to realize success. Similarly, managers need to empower their teams by motivating them and giving them recognition awards. The essay has also shown the significance of including a manager’s family in training programs for working in the host country. Lastly, it is important for business to adopt cultural synergy to fully exploit their work in the host country.


Cook, A. (2020). Managing Diversity in the Workplace. Web.

Hryniewicz, L. G. C., & Vianna, M. A. (2018). Women and leadership: obstacles and gender expectations in managerial positions. Cadernos, 16(1), 331-344. Web.

Kraft, S. A., Cho, M. K., Gillespie, K., Halley, M., Varsava, N., Ormond, K. E., & Lee, S. S. J. (2018). Beyond consent: building trusting relationships with diverse populations in precision medicine research. The American Journal of Bioethics, 18(4), 3-20. Web.

Management Guide. (2020). Team Conflict. Web.

Ocen, E., Francis, K., & Angundaru, G. (2017). The role of training in building employee commitment: The mediating effect of job satisfaction. European Journal of Training and Development, 10(1), 104-189.

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