The Coca-Cola Company’s Unethical Practices

Ethically run businesses or organizations improve the attraction of investors and consumers. Ethics in the workplace are known to protect assets, increase productivity, and enhance teamwork. As a result, these organizations have a good decision-making policy as well as a good public image. Nonetheless, businesses and organizations that practice unethical behaviors potentially increase their challenges in public relations. The Coca-Cola Company has been greatly known for unethical practices in distinct areas for years. These areas include racial discrimination, pollution, and water usage.

Racial Discrimination

The Coca-Cola Company globally faces numerous issues concerning racial discrimination. For instance, a study in 1888 revealed that the reputation of this company experienced a great blow when approximately thousand four hundred ninety African-American members of staff sued for severe racial discrimination. This lawsuit incorporated over two thousand former and recent workers who accused Coca-Cola of discrimination in payment, promotion, and performance evaluation areas. In response to these claims, the company pledged to spend 1.2 million dollars on goods and services from all minor vendors.

How Coca-Cola Can Overcome Racial Discrimination

In order to overcome racial discrimination, the Coca-Cola Company can consider ensuring that their workplaces are ethnically and racially diverse. As a result, the company’s leadership must include a diverse population of the current community to serve their stakeholders and customers. In addition, coke can diversify and include training education for all employees. The long-term plan that Coca-Cola can utilize for racial discrimination is establishing anti-discriminatory strategies that set the appropriate behavioral standards. In addition, workers should familiarize themselves with these policies in order to guarantee that the company illegalizes racial discrimination. Finally, this company can consider implementing worldwide anti-discriminatory laws that protect all employees from discrimination in gender, disability, religion, and nationality.

Pollution and Wastage of Water

Although Coke is recognized as one of the most successful brands in the world, the products and services it provides cause severe pollution to the environment. Based on the environmental policy enacted by the company, the strategies used in this institution are a blueprint for success. However, Coke leads to environmental pollution due to the weak mechanism of disposing of waste, more production of non-recyclable packaging tools, and high consumption of water. An example of a long-term plan that Coca-Cola can devise in order to curb pollution and water wastage is observing the sanction economic laws.

In addition, this company can consider reviewing its business code of ethics. This review aims to allow for the incorporation of strict measures to managers, directors, and workers concerning their ethical responsibilities to the environment, community, and consumers. Moreover, Coke can consider observing the drug and food policy through distributing and manufacturing commodities with limited adverse impacts on the surroundings, and consumers. Lastly, the company can introduce an internal environmental policy as instructed by NEMA to minimize internal environmental pollution by managers, staff, and employees.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, April 12). The Coca-Cola Company’s Unethical Practices.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "The Coca-Cola Company’s Unethical Practices." April 12, 2024.

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