The “Common Core Teachings” Experience

One component of my past employment as a science teacher that I would modify is my school’s adherence to the Core curriculum. While I recognize that it may be extremely beneficial to many instructors and children, I prefer to teach a curriculum that I create and arrange myself. I once had an amazing scientific experiment idea but could not implement it due to time limits imposed by the Common Core teachings. I would be much more enthusiastic about teaching my courses if I could be in charge of more lessons throughout the year rather than focusing on the Common Core.

Another aspect that I would have changed is the teacher’s room. It is inevitable to seek comfort from the teaching experience with the room allocated for teachers. However, much of that comfort is subpar at best due to the uncomfortable furniture and lack of relaxing aspects within the interior. Consequently, it was difficult to continue my lessons as my body, instead of catching a breath, focused on the discomfort it felt from wooden chairs. Therefore, the change that I would have liked is the redesign of the teacher’s room in a way that could help to maintain a positive mentality during the working hours.

The third change concerns protection from the children’s guardians. It is inevitable to encounter students who do not demonstrate any motivation to study despite my honest efforts to encourage them. Consequently, when the guardians of the child heard my concerns at the parents’ meeting, they were willing to put all the blame on me. Even though I was only concerned with the well-being of the student whose grades were steadily dropping they threatened my position as a teacher. Some parents tend to be overprotective of their offspring, but I felt concerned about my well-being in such situations. Thankfully, their threats remained as just words, but the fear of directly confronting such parents still holds. Hence, the change that I would have liked is the inclusion of the system that would allow parents to oversee the development of their children via some messengers or applications without the need for physical presence.

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