The Concept of Autobiography Thread

The path of a teacher is continuous improvement, spiritual and creative development. In addition, teachers constantly have to cultivate such qualities as diligence, purposefulness, courage, perseverance. In the teaching profession, the most important thing is a constant search. After all, without professional progress, it is challenging to attract children. It is also worth noting essential qualities such as the ability to build relationships on trust and respect.

The teacher should not impose his or her opinion on the students, but try to understand their interests, help express themselves, not order them, but advise how best to act in a particular situation. Teachers should be able to “humanize” knowledge, conferring it as their views on the world and not just present book formulations (Ramos et al., 2021). Teachers need to master skills that will help develop sensitivity to students. These include professional vigilance, observation, intuition, and the ability to empathize, put yourself in the student’s place.

The concept of goal-oriented learning is dictated by the digital era, where the possession of information is less valuable than the ability to navigate the subject, filter the information flow and focus on the result. Education is increasingly focused on developing skills rather than the usual memorization of knowledge (Ramos et al., 2021). This is true not only for adults, but children also need practical orientation. Students expect not only knowledge and skills but also a ready-made portfolio as a result of the modern learning process. Also, an important point is the essence of the self-directed model is that the student moves in the learning process from “dependence” to “self-direction.”

It is a gradual process that begins from the first stage when students depend on the teacher: they still have little knowledge and expectations from the subject, the learning goals are not formulated yet (Mohamad et al., 2020). Gradually, step by step, students become “self-directed” and full-fledged co-authors of the educational process.


Mohamad, N., Halim, L., & Abd Talib, M. (2020). Self-directed learning curriculum: students’ perspectives of university learning experiences. Malaysian Journal of learning and instruction, 17(2), 227-251. Web.

Ramos, A., De Fraine, B., & Verschueren, K. (2021). Learning goal orientation in high-ability and average-ability students: Developmental trajectories, contextual predictors, and long-term educational outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(2), 370–389. Web.

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