The Concept of Blasphemy


Blasphemy refers to an act of striping a consecrated character out of something. In religion, blasphemy refers to a show of irreverence towards holy individuals or things. Blasphemy in Judaism is considered an act of cursing and showing contempt for God. Blasphemy may take different forms depending on the relevance of the words used to express it. It can be rebellious if it involves an allegation that departs from accepted beliefs. In addition, it can be imprecatory if it invokes evil upon God and disobedient if it generates righteous anger towards God. Any expression of curse or accusation used against God is rightfully considered blasphemy.


Blasphemy can be direct or indirect. Recognized intention to discredit holiness is direct blasphemy while using blasphemous words without such intention is considered indirect. It is sinful in the context of religion as we give honor to God as the alpha and omega and highly condemned in Christian divinity where it is defined as an eternal sin that is unforgivable. There are detailed prayers and devotions on blasphemy recited in the Catholic Church. However, the Islamic holy book does not talk about blasphemy as anything within Islam ropes blasphemy regulation.

The laws of Noah, which in Judaism are applicable to everyone, prohibit blasphemy. United Nations considered blasphemy a criminal doing in one of their general meetings. United Nations approved a number of resolutions that asked the world to act against the denouncement of religions. Common law considers blasphemy to be defiance of God’s existence and mockery of the bible. Therefore, it is punishable by common law. Punitive statutes in opposition to blasphemy once contained in the laws of the United States were constitutional. These statues were not revolutionary of the freedom of speech because recognition of Christianity by law means that blasphemy is punishable at common law.

Current blasphemy laws look at Christianity as neglecting other religious groups thus generating a debate on whether they need improvement. Blasphemy is a crime against God that calls into question the ethical integrity of the world as its consequences echo in the course of God and humanity. In the recent past, a distasteful movie made by an Egyptian Coptic in the United States that derogates Prophet Muhammad has infuriated Islamic community. This film has initiated a succession of protests on American discreet missions in Muslim countries. This shows how much blasphemy laws need improvement to protect other religions. Islamic religion has flourished over time and Muslim countries have a record of religious broadmindedness. Islam provides crucial distinctiveness to many countries where the constitution identifies it as the state religion. However, these countries protect the interests of non-Muslim community, which show respect to other religions.


As underlined in religious teaching, liberty is one of the many ways God demonstrates himself to humankind. However, it is not appropriate to use this liberty in blaspheming the creator and his deeds. Blasphemy causes difficulties in repentance among people as well as deforming the nature of human individuality. It ruins the aptitude of humankind to feel affection for God thus altering their image of him. Blasphemy is seldom caused by a low level of religious culture and ignorance of God in individuals. Religion plays a crucial position in the lives of most people and laws related to religious issues should be expressed to control arguments and proceedings about religious viewpoint.

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