The Concept of “Return to Normalcy” in the US

The United States of America has gone through various stages of its development, and some historical moments negatively influenced the progress that ancestors have achieved. The concept of “return to normalcy” was developed by Harding during his presidential elections, and this idea can correlate with the modern world (Lindbergh, 1927). Social and political reforms provided by different authorities have decreased the country’s uniqueness, and people were looking for a strong leader who could stay forward-looking. Even though the speech of Warren G. Harding was strong and influential, their actions did not support the words (Blackpast). A similar situation occurs when governmental leaders promise a brighter future, but the reality worsens.

The new era of changes in the United States of America has specified several areas of life that should be transformed or stay under solid control. For instance, the protection of the right of back people became popular after 1920, and the tolerance level increased (Blackpast, n.d.). However, the problem has not disappeared these days, and some people are continually being discriminated against by race or skin color. The issues resonate today as black people may continue having hotel booking or travel problems. An additional problem that became popular during the “return to normality” is the internal regulation in states that are unrelated to the governmental constitution (Blackpast, n.d.). The chaos has appeared, causing massive protesting actions that take place in modern reality. Such authorities as police workers may act for the benefit of the US government and violate hum rights without further punishment. In the 21st century, accidents with the police occur, and people regularly cope with inappropriate attitudes related to their rights in different areas of life.


Blackpast (n.d.). (1920) Declaration of the Rights of the negro peoples of the World. Blackpast. Web.

Lindbergh, C. (1927). Chance writes the Lindbergh Saga. International Hero.

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