The Consulting Global Marketing Trends

Importance of the Article to Organizational Management

An organization’s mission is accomplished by efficiently managing all firm operations and resources. Organizational management is a discipline that focuses on developing strategies for achieving its long-term objectives. Effective management of an entire organization is vital for any business to blossom. It is usually held by senior executives, who possess much control and sway inside the firm. Typically, the company’s long-term vision is guided by a series of objectives that need to be met for the company’s success. To achieve these objectives, administrators need to manage the company’s resources as efficiently as possible.

The Deloitte article stresses the importance of having a purpose-driven business. It demonstrates that the company can gain customer loyalty, consistency, and relevancy (O’Brien et al., 2020). The firm will oversee the use of its resources according to its organizational management plan to ensure that it gets maximum profitability while caring for the environment in which they operate. As a result, the article underlines the importance of businesses accomplishing the organization’s goal of providing excellent customer service (O’Brien et al., 2020). Companies driven by a mission can retain a high level of dedication from their management, which results in both employee and client satisfaction. With the help of this article, companies remain on track in their quest to provide the best possible customer service while also respecting and caring for the dignity of their personnel.

Ideas or Key Concepts to Borrow from the Article

This article presents some critical ideas that might be of use to companies that are currently operating well and those that are just getting started. It makes it very evident that for a company to be successful, its owners need to have a crystal-clear grasp of the reasons for their decision to find the company (O’Brien et al., 2020). The void in the market ought to serve as the impetus for beginning operations of the firm. It is essential to have a solid awareness of the target market’s demographics since this helps determine the kinds of goods and services that companies should provide. For companies to continue to be relevant in the communities in which they are active, they must become involved in societal issues that affect them either directly or indirectly, as this article describes in additional detail.

A successful business plan entails more than simply selling products. In order to make a difference, purposeful companies embrace strategy and decision-making. A purpose-driven company pays its employees well and ensures their safety and job security (O’Brien et al., 2020). For instance, you can improve the technical management of your department by simultaneously improving workplace technology and resolving employee complaints. According to the preceding instances of social entrepreneurship, purpose-driven businesses aim at accomplishing more ambitious goals, such as combating climate change. Therefore, Modern consumers who value organizational principles are drawn to firms with a mission. Organizations with a sense of purpose often have happier, healthier employees who are less inclined to resign.

Application of Foresights in the Article by Other Companies and their Results

Most companies used to be considered to exist to supply a service or product to their clients. Businesses can be so much more, say many customers and business owners these days. Companies must provide goods and services and implement initiatives that benefit the public interest or the environment (O’Brien et al., 2020). If managers prefer to positively affect the workplace, socially responsible enterprises are an exciting new trend that they need to practice. Modern customers are aware that their purchases have a direct influence on the environment and the people they interact with. Customers look closely at how companies treat the environment before making a purchase. The majority of customers take into account a company’s charitable efforts. As a result of these shifts, companies are turning to social entrepreneurship as a response strategy. Purpose-driven businesses may do more than sell things; they can create an impact via their decisions and tactics, as well as support social and environmental projects.

Timberland, a firm that manufactures outdoor gear, focuses on integrating its employees’ day-to-day work. With the company’s broader vision, which is to empower and equip the world to get outside, work together, and make it better. In addition to this, they have collaborated with the Planet Water Foundation to construct clean water towers in worker communities that previously had no access to clean drinking water.

Recommendations of High-Performance Actions

A company’s ability to compete in the market can be enhanced by providing value through its products and services. The management of a successful corporation involves several facets, such as strategic planning, revenue growth, customer acquisition and retention, enhanced product development, and risk mitigation strategies. Engaging consumers is essential to understanding how they feel about your company’s operations. An opportunity for process improvement is presented by hearing from real customers about their personal experience with a product or service firsthand.

A great way to add value to an employer’s products or services is to provide high-quality work. Producing interesting advertising material or checking that the manufacturing equipment doesn’t make mistakes throughout production could be part of this. Some additional effort is required to become aware of the widespread problems at work and fulfill the demands of customers and employers. A company’s unique products and services set it apart from its competitors. For businesses to win over customers, the product or service has a distinct advantage over competitors. One may find new ways to differentiate themselves by undertaking market research.


O’Brien, D., Main, A., Kounkel, S., & Stephan, A. R. (2020). Deloitte UK Consulting Global Marketing Trends. Web.

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