The Corporation is a long historical and documentary 2003 movie directed by Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar. The primary mission of this picture is to show the true, somewhat evil nature of major influential corporations, and the concept that inspired the movie-makers is the detail mentioned in the Fourteenth Amendment. Overall, all people concerned with the multinational companies’ enormous impacts on individuals, societies, and the environment should watch this film to get new, sometimes shocking, and sobering information.
The Corporation
Nowadays, it is probably smarter for the communities not to believe that major corporations actually worry about people’s wellbeing and satisfaction more than their own needs and profit. This idea is highlighted in The Corporation, in which firms are portrayed as psychopathic, evil, and egoistic ‘people’ – this is what organizations are referred to in the Amendment (Costello, 2003). Their power is neither controlled nor limited by the authorities, and these corporations are free to use child labor, privatize vital resources, hinder important information, and destroy the environment. They sell dangerous and unhealthy products to minors and refuse to take responsibility for their immoral actions and intentions. In order to prove their point of view, the directors provide interviews with professionals, use data and statistics, and utilize other types of evidence to convince the audience of the credibility of the documentary.
To draw a conclusion, these are the main messages of the documentary, and all viewers are recommended to keep this information in mind. All these monstrous corporations are interested in is their profit, so they do anything they need to increase it. While not all people believe in this (credit is given to such opinions in the film as well), many try to fight against such negative impact and reduce the power major firms have. The metaphor the filmmakers use to spread the information is quite effective, so it is possible to say that they succeeded.
Costello, B. (2003). The Corporation. Common Sense Media.