The “Crispin: The Cross of Lead” Novel by Avi

The book “Crispin: The Cross of Lead” by Avi tells the story of a young boy who has to flee his home after his mother’s death. In the beginning, the main character has a low social status, thinks little of himself, and does not have his own opinions. By the end of the novel, Crispin finds out that he is Lord Furnival’s son, gains his confidence, and learns to make his own choices. Therefore, Crispin grew by learning new skills, overcoming difficulties, and meeting new people.

Firstly, the main character grows from being a serf with no recognition from society into being the son of a lord who can defend himself against fake accusations. For example, at the beginning of the book, Crispin mentions that his purpose on Earth is to labor and serve others with more power. In my view, this means that he has no developed identity, aspirations, or freedom of choice. Another example from later on is when Crispin discovers that he is the son of Lord Furnival. I see this moment as essential for the boy’s transformation into a more independent person.

Secondly, Crispin learns new knowledge and skills as he meets other people, like the priest or Bear. For example, the boy is called Asta’s son all the time and only finds out his actual name at the age of 13. In my interpretation, this moment is important for Crispin as it helps him develop his identity and gain independence. Besides, the main character learns practical skills from Bear, such as using weapons. I believe this example shows how capable the boy is and how he learns to defend himself from offenders.

Thirdly, Crispin grows by learning to make his own decisions and have his opinions. For example, even though Bear says otherwise, the boy keeps praying using his mother’s cross because he feels it is important. In my interpretation, this action shows how Crispin takes more control over his life and defends his values.

To sum up, Crispin grew a lot throughout his journey and developed as a person. The boy belonged to a lower class, but life hardships helped him become more independent and confident. He grew as a person as he gained knowledge, handed problems, and met others.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, September 5). The “Crispin: The Cross of Lead” Novel by Avi.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "The “Crispin: The Cross of Lead” Novel by Avi." September 5, 2023.

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