The Design Principles on Harmony and Variety: “Mother and Child 2”

Any painting can be compared to a puzzle where a variety of elements, including colors, geometrical forms, texture, come together to create a holistic composition and give it interest. Simultaneously, harmony is the principle of design in which these elements are pleasantly combined and arranged. It always reflects the sublime and represents conformity, purposefulness, and order. This paper aims at discussing how Mary Cassatt used the principles of harmony and variety in the picture “Mother and Child 2” in three different ways.

Portrait artist Mary Cassatt is most famous for her bright images related to women’s private sphere, that is, tranquil instants in the ordinary lives of privileged persons. In this respect, “Mother and Child 2” depicts a mother deeply engrossed in sewing and her boy resting on her knees (“Mother and child 2,” n.d.).

The painting emphasizes the importance of the maternal bond with children through various techniques. In particular, Cassatt enlivens the picture by placing straight contour lines of the mother’s elbows near curvy lines of the child’s head. The same method is apparent in the location of the woman’s head and round hairstyle next to straight window frames. At the same time, the artist also successfully combines organic shapes with geometric shapes; namely, shapeless, blurry trees are visible in the square windows. Besides, organic figures, including woods and heads, make the painting’s design look more natural. Finally, Cassatt puts cool colors (cerulean clothing of the mother and child) against the background of warm colors (orange walls); herewith, the primary color is azure.

The harmony in the picture is expressed via various elements and methods. For instance, the artist uses smooth or even flat texture to highlight the calm, comfortable atmosphere and create a focal point in a composition, which is the mother with her child. The painting also has a limited range of hues since Cassatt mainly uses the blue color in its different tones. Finally, harmony is reflected through such a powerful visual element as value. In this regard, the painter utilizes primarily light colors, including azure, bright green, white, rosy, and red.


Mother and child 2. (n.d.). Mary Cassatt. Web.

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