The Development of Various Behavioral Patterns

The notion of the development of various behavioral patterns within a family unit is extremely correlated with the process of its interaction both inside and outside the microsystem. Hence, when speaking of the behavior displayed in a given psychological setting, such types as antisocial and prosocial behavior may be outlined. The latter stands for the type of behavior that encourages individuals to manifest empathy for others and thus, represents the patterns of society, the members of which tend to act for the benefit of others. Both antisocial and prosocial behavior is predetermined by a variety of factors developed within a family and other social environments that contribute to the child’s perception of behavioral patterns. Thus, for example, children who tend to experience or observe aggression in their families are likely to reflect such an attitude to the outside world.

However, when speaking of the tendencies of socioemotional function in the modern context, it should be mentioned that the manifestation of prosocial behavior is now more common among newly formed families. While some researchers claim that such a tendency is driven by a major sociological shift caused by genetic underpinnings, the reality depends on factors besides sociological trends. Thus, the overall evolution of society and economy claims to play a more significant role in terms of the formation of prosocial behavior in toddlers. That is, such processes as globalization and the rapid increase of developing countries influence the socioeconomic environment of the family, which eventually leads to a reduced incidence of aggression and violent behavior towards others.

Another important insight in terms of predisposition to prosocial behavior is the process of socialization shaped by the parents’ guidance and mentorship. That is, parents, serve as both representatives of the primary social environment of a child and intermediates during the children’s interaction with other representatives. For example, when speaking of the notion of empathy encouragement, parents’ task is to show children an example of empathy manifestation while making sure that such an attitude is perceived by the child in other environments such as educational facilities. Having considered everything, it may be concluded that the promotion of prosocial behavior as one of the most beneficial models has now become an asset in terms of internal and external social interaction. Still, it is now influenced by so many factors that it is hard for the caregivers to identify the extent to which the following pattern should be promoted.

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