The Difference Between Human Beings and Other Animal Species

The selected quote from the piece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman reflects on the difference between human beings and other animal species in terms of their relationships. The author claims that the former’s principal characteristic distinguishing them from the latter is the dependent status of females in the economic sense (Edles & Appelrouth, 2020). Therefore, it is vital to understand the circumstances of the matter and the applicability of this theorist’s writing to the present-day world.

The argument of the author is connected to the specificities distinguishing people from the other representatives of the organic world. It is clear that all species are somehow dependent on others, but other animals do not necessarily emphasize gender in this situation. Therefore, they do not expect help all the time, whereas humans cannot change this mindset, as can be seen in history. Women have always been in the position of those who need assistance in contrast to the men providing it, even though the conditions are becoming better. This stance is underpinned by the considerations of collective labor within the institutions, which were typically designed for males. For example, the organizations enhancing humanity’s economic progress in different areas, such as trades, crafts, arts, manufactures, inventions, discoveries, and many others, were originally dominated by men (Edles & Appelrouth, 2020). As a result, females’ inability to provide themselves with basic goods was a logical consequence in the context of the society of the past. Therefore, the environment plays a significant role in developing animal species and determines the specified difference between them.

The theorist’s arguments under consideration do not fully relate to the conditions of people’s activity in modern-day society. At the time of this piece’s creation, the world was already rapidly evolving, and the author confirmed the corresponding improvements in sex relations as applied to the economic aspect (Edles & Appelrouth, 2020). At present, the degree of independence and individual freedom in public and private life ensured by women is sufficient for positively affecting their situation, and this fact reflects the importance of circumstances for one’s position. Hence, the provision of numerous opportunities for female citizens concerning their employment, governmental policies for all people’s prosperity, and the evolution of family ties and communication patterns between men and women were advantageous.

In turn, the original text’s relation to modern society can be described by the connection between the world’s conditions and people’s relationships. This mechanism can be seen from the comparison of the past and the present of society, which demonstrates the dependency of people’s perceptions on external circumstances rather than their stable positions stemming from gender. From this point of view, the paper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman does not apply to the current situation. Yet, it is beneficial for evaluating the possible consequences of one or another policy of the government on the citizens’ mindset. In other words, it does not precisely reflect the current problems of people in communication but presents the method of overcoming challenges in the case of their emergence.

To summarize, the selected quote describes the author’s argument regarding the varying impact of the environment on human beings and other animal species, which can be seen from their gender roles. Meanwhile, this work’s value is conditional not upon the description of issues existing in modern society but on the possibility of changes by affecting external conditions. Thus, the relation between the identified problem and the current situation is the provision of general rules of economic relationships in the context of family connections.


Edles L.D., & Appelrouth, S. (2020). Sociological theory in the classical era: Text and readings (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.

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