The Discovery of Additional Earth-Approaching Asteroids

In recent years astronomers are becoming more interested in studying the space objects situated relatively close to Earth. While the cosmos is still not fully discovered and has potentially numerous unknown aspects, it represents both the field of scientific research and potential danger. Therefore, this paper aims to identify two main reasons astronomers started to dedicate more time to learning about the Earth-approaching asteroids.

The first reason is the possibility of learning more about the universe since the objects are easy to reach for the following research. It gives an opportunity also to study the geology of the meteorites and supposedly find some precious metals in their composition (Skelly, 2019). Due to the fact that the planet’s resources one day will be limited significantly because of the overproduction and overconsumption, such discoveries can be helpful. Eventually, there might appear to be a possibility of preserving the natural resources and finding a method to mine them through the meteorites.

Another reason for the scientific research on asteroids is the potential threat to humanity. Although cosmic objects fall to the Earth from time to time, astronomers can be concerned that the possibility of danger can occur one day. Meteorites can be of different sizes, from the smallest to the gigantic, and if a decent amount of them suddenly reach the planet, this can lead to destruction.

Overall, there are significant reasons for astronomers to be interested in studying the Earth-approaching asteroids. Firstly, they can be used for mining purposes, which may help preserve natural resources. Secondly, this is also a preventive method against the possible disaster and problems it may cause to humanity. Thus, the scientific concern is valid regarding the circumstances and known facts.


Skelly, C. (2019). NASA Invests in Tech Concepts Aimed at Exploring Lunar Craters, Mining Asteroids. NASA.

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