Benefits of the DREAM Act for Young American Immigrants


I support the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors). The DREAM Act is not a law. It is an American legislative proposal that the Senate introduced in 2001 (Galindo 600). It addresses issues encountered by young people from immigrant families, who grew up and graduated from high schools in the US (Galindo 600). The current immigrant laws do not favor the young generation belonging to the immigrants, and hence the need for the DREAM Act. This paper explains why the DREAM Act should be supported.

Retaining talents and skills in the US

Most of the young people from immigrant families have skills and talents that can boost the economic status of the country. Recent studies from North America Integration and Development Center (NAIDC) show that the beneficiaries of the DREAM Act who attain higher education levels, contribute a lot to the economic growth of the US (International Business 70). For instance, NAIDC estimates that their contributions can add up to between $1.4 and $3.6 trillion to the US economy, in 40 years from today (Ochoa 18). Moreover, the DREAM Act can assist in military recruitment in the US by tapping and recruiting people with talents and skills in all sectors (Margaret 65).

Ethical considerations

Most of the young immigrants in the US go through hard times. They immigrated to the country with their parents while still young. Their parents immigrated to the US in search of good jobs to support their families (Rotunda & John 249). The decision to deny them relief, development and education among other things sounds very unfair. For instance, the rationale invoked by courts in the US in 1982, barring unregistered immigrant children from attending the US public schools was not ethical (Schattle 160). I accept that their parents did mistakes when they entered the country illegally. However, that should not guarantee the US government to punish them. This is because they grew knowing that they belong to the country. The DREAM Act is a remedy to the sufferings of the immigrants such as discrimination by employers, teachers, doctors, and landlords (Boggs 39). It gives them opportunities and freedoms to contribute to the nation. It also helps the country to fight communicable diseases that if not curbed would affect all Americans (Boggs 77).

Great reputation to the other states in the world

Many countries around the world host immigrants from different foreign countries. The US is famous for its power to influence different states globally (International Business 191). If the country rejects the DREAM Act, it will be perceived badly by other nations. It can also lead to poor international relationships, or influence other countries to mistreat children of the immigrants for sins they did not commit.


I support the DREAM Act in the US. It benefits both the immigrants and the country in many ways. For instance, it protects the minor groups from the current immigration laws, which make the lives of the immigrants difficult. It also assists the US to retain talents and skills that contribute to the growth and development of the country. Moreover, it shows how the US is considerate in ethical related issues. Therefore, it is recommendable for all citizens to support the DREAM Act in the US.

Works Cited

Boggs, George R. “Why Congress Should Revive the DREAM Act.” Chronicle of Higher Education 54.29 (2008), A39. Print.

Galindo, René. “Undocumented & Unafraid: The DREAM Act 5 and the Public Disclosure of Undocumented Status as a Political Act.” Urban Review 44.5 (2012): 589-611. Print.

International Business P. I. Us Citizenship, Naturalization Regulation and Procedures Handbook: Practical Information and. S.l: Intl Business Publishers USA, 2013. Print.

Margaret Stock, “The DREAM Act: Tapping an overlooked pool of homegrown talent to meet military enlistment needs.” Bender’s Immigration Bulletin, 34.6 (2006): 63-67. Print.

Ochoa, Raul Alcaraz. “A Letter to the DREAM Movement.” NACLA Report on the Americans 44.6 (2011): 18-19. Print.

Rotunda, Ronald D, and John S. Dzienkowski. Legal Ethics: The Lawyer’s Deskbook on Professional Responsibility. Eagan, MN: Thomson/West, 2008. Print.

Schattle, Hans. Globalization and Citizenship. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012. Print.

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