The eye clinic “Gloria” has recently opened in Baraboo, Wisconsin, and wants to implement electronic medical records to facilitate the working processes. The clinic’s main activity refers to diagnosing and treating the diseases of the visual organs caused by age-related changes or pathology. Since there are not many eye clinics in the area, the residents drive to the state’s capital Madison to receive medical services. Upon the clinic’s opening, the question of transferring data from all the nearby medical facilities emerged. Hence, the creation and implementation of the EMRs is planned as part of the process of informatization of medical organizations.
Implementation Process
The process required a deep investigation of the installation process of EMRs in the eye clinic. Therefore, a literature review was the primary method of selecting the right equipment, software, and other necessities. Moreover, it was vital to collect the data on the system implementation from eye doctors, their assistants, and other staff (Evans, 2016). This step was indispensable in terms of exploring the personnel’s readiness to shift from paper documentation to electronic one. Finally, the clinic should have been financially prepared for the system launching since additional expenses can emerge.
The investment in a modern EMR system is huge since it is complicated by the ever-changing regulatory policies. Additionally, it requires thorough analysis of the EMR market to make a right decision. It is beneficial to engage one’s workers in the decision-making process at the early staged as they may define the pros and cons of installing a specific system (Cowie et al., 2017). Clinical employees may suggest different perspectives which will simplify the selection (Lam et al., 2016). At this stage, many problems pertaining to functionality and usability can be indicated and solved.

The modeling process presumed EMR installation and testing for machine biases. Additionally, it allowed for errors’ identification and conducting trials of real-life situations. The inputs and outcomes of the EMR implementation were compared in the chart, which included the initial and terminal data such as the employees’ satisfaction, system stability, number of files inserted, and others. Hence, the project’s success was evaluated by the indicators and employees’ surveys.
Findings and Recommendations
The primary outcome of the EMR implementation was the increased performance of the clinic itself since the computers allowed for registering more new clients. In addition, the data transferred to the clinic’s computers enabled the staff to treat patients more effectively, relying on the medical records from their previous facilities (Huang et al., 2018). However, the medical team could not perform too efficiently due to a lack of training on using EMR in everyday practice (Lam et al., 2016). Another critical finding pertained to the implementation time: the system started working gradually due to the on-site server, and the data was uploaded within three months.
Considering the findings, it is recommended to use a cloud-based server location as it will boost the data transfer process. Furthermore, it is advisable to train the employees before the system is installed so they would not make multiple errors (Tsai et al., 2020). This approach will also simplify the process of filing new information and using the existing one for reaching the treatment goals. Ultimately, the costs should be calculated beforehand due to the unexpected situations which cause extra expenses.
SWOT Analysis
As a part of the implementation program, it is vital to dwell on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats since the development of EMR is a competitive field at present. Firstly, managing the power of changes in the system is a primary strength of EMR since it allows the management of all electronic resources. In addition, the project will bring the ability to personalize objects, such as the interface, and provide ongoing support to both medical staff and patients (Lam et al., 2016). Moreover, EMR is considered a secure and technologically advanced system; thus, the management team has immediate trust. It is also easy to maintain and use and is highly compatible with different devices. Finally, it establishes immediate access to detailed clinical information and makes it possible to use the system remotely. However, there is a row of many weaknesses EMR presents. Primarily, the system documentation may be nonexistent due to the old equipment used (Tsai et al., 2020). What is more, the graphical interface can be confusing, especially for undertrained staff. Eventually, it is still vital to document some papers manually.
There are numerous opportunities that EMR can provide, such as the ability to integrate with other medical applications or providing information through the Internet. It also enables one to expand and maintain new services as well as boost the importance of digital files. Additionally, such a system can become one of the government incentives; thus, modernizing organizational development (Huang et al., 2018). This project is beneficial since it allows for using mobile devices and new technologies to access the system and enrich the design.
On the other hand, the high degree of competition poses a threat to the project. Therefore, the market pressure creates additional rivalry among IT professionals. The other menace regards the economic-financial crisis, which can cause monetary constraints (Rau et al., 2017). Furthermore, there is a risk of cyber-attacks, and information can be either stolen or leaked. At last, the system is based on Internet Explorer, which is not quite a reliable browser.
Analysis and Results
Having identified the significant impediments such as additional costs, undertrained personnel, and others, it should be stated that an EMR implementation plan must be developed in detail. In addition, the entire group of professionals from IT, hospitals, and other organizations should be involved in the process. As per the analysis, the cost may vary from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on the chosen provider. The key lesson learned is that the project realization time is longer than expected since the systems face problems such as data overload or poor internet connection.
In summary, the process is multifaceted and complex; however, it can boost organizational performance and enhance critical indicators. It is vital to know that EMR should be checked before using it on a regular basis. What is more, it provides extra knowledge for the staff and simplifies their working process. Ultimately, the costs and time must be estimated in advance so as not to create additional problems.
Cowie, M. R., Blomster, J. I., Curtis, L. H., Duclaux, S., Ford, I., Fritz, F., … Zalewski, A. (2017). Electronic health records to facilitate clinical research. Clinical Research in Cardiology: Official Journal Of The German Cardiac Society, 106(1), 1-9. Web.
Evans R. S. (2016). Electronic health records: Then, now, and in the future. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, S48-S61. Web.
Huang, M. Z., Gibson, C. J., & Terry, A. L. (2018). Measuring electronic health record use in primary care: A scoping review. Applied Clinical Informatics, 9(1), 15-33. Web.
Lam, J. G., Lee, B. S., & Chen, P. P. (2016). The effect of electronic health records adoption on patient visit volume at an academic ophthalmology department. BMC Health Services Research, 16(7). Web.
Rau, H. H., Wu, Y. S., Chu, C. M., Wang, F. C., Hsu, M. H., Chang, C. W., … Chiu, H. W. (2017). Importance-performance analysis of personal health records in Taiwan: A web-based survey. Journal of medical Internet research, 19(4), e131. Web.
Tsai, C. H., Eghdam, A., Davoody, N., Wright, G., Flowerday, S., & Koch, S. (2020). Effects of electronic health record implementation and barriers to adoption and use: A scoping review and qualitative analysis of the content. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 10(12), 327. Web.