Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: Key Components and Perspectives

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing are guidelines that give directions to the nursing practice. Following them allows nurses to successfully prepare for flexible leadership, teamwork, critical action, adaptation to changing conditions, and delivery of high-quality care in various settings and roles (Borkowski, 2015).

Nurse practitioners who manage to obtain all the competencies that are outlined in the essentials and effectively translate them into practice increase their value for existing and emerging roles in care provision since they demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills. Moreover, they are prepared to provide equal professional services to a culturally, ethnically, and socially diverse populations (which is one of the major goals of the FNU program).

The essential that is crucial for success in the program is Quality Improvement and Safety. Growing demands of the present-day health care make it a responsibility of every nurse to ensure advanced safety and quality of treatment that would answer all patient requirements.

Quality improvement is an ongoing process that is aimed to produce better care in all hospital departments. The issue is acute since a lot of health care units still lack modern facilities and technologies. This means that radical transformations are vital. Nurses, in their turn, are responsible for accurate assessment of both the technology and service levels in order to locate the need for improvement (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017).

Another issue covered in the selected essential is patient safety. This must be the first priority of any nurse since the lives of patients are at stake if security policies are not followed. The problem of safety provision is a multifaceted one and does not have a universal solution. In order to complete the program successfully, nurses have to realize how to adjust safety policies to the settings of each particular organization (Borkowski, 2015).


Borkowski, N. (2015). Organizational behavior in health care. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Sherwood, G., & Barnsteiner, J. (2017). Quality and safety in nursing: A competency approach to improving outcomes. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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