The Ethical Debate on Abortion: Perspectives and Obligations


Abortion is among the most controversial topics that have been highly debated for hundreds of years. The ethical issue focuses on whether it should be permitted since it is the right to make a choice concerning one’s body or prohibited to save the life of an unborn. Thus, although the ethical issue of abortion is highly debated whether the rights of women or fetuses should be prioritized, the bottom line is that healthcare professionals should adhere to the law and offer quality care regardless of personal beliefs.

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Arguments

In the abortion debate, there are two sides: pro-life and pro-choice. On the one hand, pro-life individuals argue that abortion is a deliberate murder of an unborn human. Generally, the given stance is founded on religious matters that dictate that life begins at conception (Muldoon, 2021). As a result, people with this opinion consider that abortion should be illegal.

On the other hand, pro-choice individuals adhere to the position that abortion should be a woman’s right (Muldoon, 2021). They view such rights as a basis for human autonomy and bodily integrity (Muldoon, 2021). Thus, denying safe and legal abortions should be seen as a violation of women’s rights.

Ethical Perspectives

Ethical Egoism Theory

Moral theories can help understand various perspectives on the issues. For example, ethical egoists would take the stance of pro-choice position. The ethical egoism theory focuses on pursuing one’s own interests (Arnold & Bowie, 2019). As a result, while putting one’s interests above those of everybody else, ethical egoists would determine that abortion should be legal and accessible. Moreover, such individuals would argue that a woman’s autonomy and bodily integrity are paramount and that no other people have the right to violate such autonomy.

When discussing the topic of abortion, one can see that there might be a potential conflict between loyalty to self and the community. On the one hand, the community is responsible for protecting the vulnerable, which is seen in the position of the pro-life group. These individuals believe that a right to life cannot be superseded by a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. In other words, the community should protect the rights of unborn children.

On the other hand, the community has a stake in protecting women’s rights. In this case, the pro-choice group believes that women should prioritize their health and autonomy. Therefore, the conflict is based on whether to protect the interests of women or fetuses.

Social Contract Theory

However, the perspective of the social contract ethical theory is more complex. According to this theory, morally wrong or acceptable aspects are defined by the social contract defined by society (Arnold & Bowie, 2019). In this case, the relationship between a state and citizens is defined through the contract, which states that parts of freedom can be exchanged for security (Arnold & Bowie, 2019).

As a result, if the social contract views abortion as a fundamental right of women, then it would adhere to the pro-choice position. In contrast, if it prioritizes protections for the rights of the fetus, then a pro-life stance would be taken. Thus, the position of social contract ethicists depends heavily on the terms of the contract.

When delving deeper, it is evident that there is a collision between personal and national obligations. For example, in the United States, personal obligations vary, with some people holding the position of the pro-life group and others viewing their moral obligation as spreading the views of the pro-choice group. Meanwhile, national obligations are founded on adherence to the laws. While some states can legally outlaw abortions, other states protect women’s rights. Consequently, while national obligations must adhere to the law, personal obligations are limited to one’s own religious and moral beliefs.

Professional Ethics

Lastly, the professional code of ethics is crucial to the issue of abortion since it involves not only a provision of medical assistance but also moral support and an unbiased approach. According to the American Medical Association (AMA) principles of medical ethics, “a physician shall be dedicated to providing competent medical care, with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights” (para.2). In other words. However, doctors are expected to follow the law and offer competent care, and they are additionally expected to offer morally acceptable care despite personal beliefs.


Hence, the bottom line is that healthcare professionals should uphold the law and provide the best treatment regardless of their views, despite the intense discussion around the ethical question of abortion and whether the rights of women or fetuses should be highlighted. There are two sides to the debate around abortion: pro-life and pro-choice. The pro-choice attitude is one that ethical egoists would adopt. The contract conditions, however, significantly impact the perspective of social contract ethicists. Lastly, the professional code of ethics is essential to the discussion of abortion since it includes not only the provision of medical care but also moral support and an objective viewpoint.


AMA. (n.d.). AMA principles of medical ethics. Web.

Arnold, D. G., & Bowie, N. E. (2019). Ethical theory and business. Cambridge University Press.

Muldoon, M. (2021). The abortion debate in the United States and Canada. Taylor & Francis.

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