The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website

The Evergreen Plantation is significant to American history because it provides an accurate reflection of and a strong connection to US history. The plantation complex gives the visitors a clear picture of what life was like in the past in America, especially during the antebellum era. The structures or buildings at this location depict a village and community that were founded on slavery. For example, the slave cabins, pigeonries, stables, barns, the domestic slave house, and other structures in their original double-row configuration depict the lives and experiences of numerous people who were subjected to slavery on the plantation complex. These features enable the site to give a good strong “feel” for the location. Furthermore, the personal narratives and accounts of the actual people who were enslaved at this plantation further provide insights into slavery in the sugar cane plantation.

The quality of the website is relatively high. First and foremost, the site features an elegant and carefully organized layout which makes the database not only appealing but also easy to navigate. The great design guarantees enhanced user experience, functionality, and navigation. Besides the outstanding design, the database’s content improves its overall quality. As stated on the websites, primary sources such as estate inventory, recordings, and sale records provided the information incorporated on the database. These sources provide more reliable and nuanced insights into the skills, occupation, kinship ties, and other vital aspects of the slaves’ life on the plantation.

I do not see any area the website is lacking or requires improvement. I would like to physically visit this place to develop a better understanding and connection to the past. Visiting the site in person will expose me to the actual life and experiences of real individuals who inhabited and provided labor on this particular plantation. This firsthand experience would allow me to gain a nuanced understanding of how life was complex and intriguing during the antebellum era.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, May 19). The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website.

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StudyCorgi. "The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website." May 19, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website." May 19, 2022.

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