The “Everyone Has an Opinion…” Video Critique

Opinions are a vital part of the human experience and people’s understanding of the world. At their core, opinions are how people understand the world, themselves and others, as it is colored by their lens of emotional and logical perception. By holding a series of opinions, individuals form their worldviews and adopt ideologies, building systems of entire societies. According to the video, listening and forming an opinion is extremely valuable, as it allows one to surpass their limits and see their flaws (School of Thought). Furthermore, it is a way to interact with the world and analyze and transform simple statements into overarching conclusions. Some opinions, however, can be dangerous to a person or their surroundings. Such beliefs are often grounded in misconception, delusion, prejudice, or self-interest, warping a person’s understanding of subjective reality.

Once such opinions gain traction and attention, they can spread and multiply, slowly transforming into real-world action. In the world of quickly emergent technology and social media, it becomes more important and more difficult to evaluate the opinions of others. It is easy to fabricate facts or distort the narrative for one’s gain and spread it across internationally-accessible platforms. With the world becoming more and more interconnected, one must take careful consideration when making judgments. Many factors can determine the spread of an opinion – including who says it, where it is platformed, its novelty and the principles of common sense. With social media, everyday people and those with their own agendas alike have found a way to share their opinion. As a result, individuals must carelessly curate their access to news and perspectives, critically analyze what they hear and check their own misconceptions. In this process, learning more and listening to the voices of the marginalized can often be helpful.

Works Cited

School of Thought. “‘Everyone has an opinion, but not everyone’s opinion is of equal value.’ What is your view?” YouTube.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "The “Everyone Has an Opinion…” Video Critique." May 23, 2023.

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