The Film “Concussion” by Peter Landesman

The ethical perspectives of the NFL include the provision of help to the people in need. The support should mainly be directed towards the youth, especially those who suffer from concussions. In addition, benevolence is required in managing the players and football, in general, to ensure success in the sport by helping athletes achieve the best of their potential. The National Football League ethics also involve maximized effort to avoid harm and risky contact in football to prevent the prevalence of concussions. On the side of Dr. Bennet Omalu, the ethical issue of his conduct is the professionalism shown by honesty in the disclosure of the autopsy he conducted on NFL players. This demonstrated the best ethical standards required of professionals (Laskas, 2015). In the same way, he provided medical help to those who were found to be suffering from the condition.

On learning that the disease is common to players, the NFL is unwilling to disclose the information to the players, the public, and the player, which is unethical (Laskas, 2015). They try to hide the facts, but Dr. Omalu carries out extensive research, which leads to the establishment of the final judgment: CTE is common among former players of the NFL.


Laskas, J. M. (2015). Concussion [Film]. Random House Trade Paperbacks.

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