The Film “Good Will Hunting” by Gus Van Sant

My definition of a soulmate identifies a soulmate as a person who understands you, supports you both physically and emotionally, and is willing to share life with you for as long as you are alive. The triad concept in Good Will Hunting is applied in the form of defense mechanisms, including rationalization, displacement, and denial. In this case, the triad concept is used to reduce anxieties among the actors, whereby Will attempts to trim anxieties by ignoring and disregarding his affections towards Sklar. The application of the concept by Will is vital for not making his feelings for Sklar too obvious, therefore reducing the anxieties that come with a deliberate display of love.

Dr. Sean Maguire defines a soulmate as an individual who opens up, challenges, loves you, and is one you can trust with your life. This concept of love differs from mine because Sean talks about the concept of a soulmate challenging you, which does not concur with my perception about a soulmate. A soulmate does not necessarily need to challenge you but be with you through life, show affection and support, provide companionship and promise to stay for a very long time (Damon et al., 1998). Sean’s definition of a soulmate does not influence me to change my perception of a soulmate Finally, my concept of a soulmate is a person who promises to stay with you, love you, accompany you through life, and provide support in all spheres of life.


Damon, M., Affleck, B., & Williams, R. (1998). Good Will Hunting [Film]. Faber & Faber.

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