The Flipped Classroom Article by Bishop and Verleger

In order to fully evaluate the efficiency of the new modern methodological approaches to education, some investigations are needed. The article by Bishop and Verleger (2013) offers a thorough overview of previous and current studies on the flipped classroom. The method of research offered by Bishop and Verleger (2013) is based on the analysis of the previous studies’ results. The study makes the conclusion about the effectiveness of the new methodology called the flipped classroom. This comprises the kind of in-class and extracurricular activities, the evaluation metrics, and the methodological traits specific to each study. Results of Bishop and Verleger’s (2013) work reveal that single-group study designs are used in the majority of studies that have been done so far that examine student attitudes.

Although there have been some conflicting reports regarding student opinions of the flipped classroom, they have largely been positive. However, that information may be insufficient for evaluating the effectiveness of the new methodological approach. Among all the selected previous studies, only one work on the flipped classroom has looked at students’ academic performance over the course of an entire semester. Bishop and Verleger (2013) summarized particular works and came out with the statement that the flipped classroom positively affects students’ performance. Although the findings of the study handled by Bishop and Verleger (2013) are promising, there is not enough data to support a wide-ranging generalization. Therefore, more investigation is required to determine how flipped classroom education affects quantifiable learning outcomes. In addition, the research did not include a detailed description of the activities they employed for both in-class and outside-of-class activities. Nevertheless, research on the flipped classroom is both timely and cost-effective because of the affordable status of recording technology and the prevalence of web-based distribution methods.


Bishop, J., & Verleger, M. A. (2013, June). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 23-1200).

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