“The Fugitive” Directed by Nick Santora

  • Film Analysis: The Fugitive
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There is a significant difference between content and form in a film, despite that it enhances the quality of the experience among the audiences. In the movie The Fugitive, the form significantly complements the content to elevate the development of the plot. An excellent example is a violence involved during the killing of Dr. Richard Kimble’s wife murder in contrast to the kind personality of the husband in different interactive platforms (Davis, 2021). It is evident from the opening scene a profound gap in the relativity of the circumstances. Although the police lack evidence that asserts the presence of another person at the time of the crime, Dr. Kimble’s character disqualifies the personnel from the aggressive act. In this case, the two elements proficiently interact to foster the establishment of the doctor’s resolution to become an absconder of law to seek justice for his wife.

The film optimally utilizes dynamic cinematographic approaches to boost the quality of experiences by manipulating time and space. In this case, the director enhances the plot and character development through parallel editing. An excellent example is the sentencing scene of Dr. Kimble in court. While a police detective is interrogated, there is a parallel scene showing the actual occurrence of the murder event when Dr. Kimble had accessed the house during the crime, thus justifying the concept that there was no break-in (Davis, 2021). Two significant elements warranted Helen’s husband as the killer. The first narrative encompassed the lack of evidence of housebreaking, while the second one involved all variables. Primarily, the court ruling involved the framework of scientific proof of violent encounters and the testimonies from the detectives that merited Dr. Kimble as the perpetrator. The form involved the parallel editing in envisioning the narrative from the witnesses in the court that complements the content that enshrines executing Dr. Kimble as the criminal.

Explicit and Implicit

There is a critical difference between implicit and explicit meaning in a film due to the prominent factor of communicating a particular message. The explicit one entails an actor’s realization regarding a specific event and its effect on the individual. Implicit involves the attempt of a movie director to render a particular theme to the audience, such as the impact of law enforcement agencies in society. There is a profound tacit meaning from the film that enshrines the role of law enforcement and the quality of interactions among the personnel. An excellent example of a scene that attributes the inferred concept involves the court ruling that focuses on the evidence over the logic that is based on Dr. Kimble’s behavioral pattern (Davis, 2021). As a result, the film’s plot demonstrates the significance of incorporating emotional intelligence during criminal investigations to enhance the promotion of justice practice across the nation.


The film’s genre is drama, thriller, adventure, and crime with a proficient integration of the scenes’ sequence to assert the implicit and explicit meaning. There are different conventions that the director fosters during the movie, such as the use of parallel editing to demonstrate the flow of events and the relativity to the thrill of Dr. Kimble emerging as a fugitive. The escape by the doctor offers a prominent adventure and criminal act with profound suspense regarding his efforts to solve Helen’s murder (Davis, 2021). Although the film’s conventional cinematographic approaches are akin to other movies in the same genre, the innovative positioning of different occurrences enhances audiences’ attention and experience.


Conclusively, the film “The Fugitive” is a profound construct that demonstrates the interaction between form and content while enhancing the character and plot development. The optimal exploitation of the cinematographic aspects renders the quality experience among the audiences. The implicit meaning involves the justification of legal framework effectiveness and the necessity of integrating with detectives’ emotional intelligence to understand the flow of events and the crime scene.


Davis, A. (2021). The Fugitive (1993) [Video]. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "“The Fugitive” Directed by Nick Santora." January 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-fugitive-directed-by-nick-santora/.


StudyCorgi. "“The Fugitive” Directed by Nick Santora." January 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-fugitive-directed-by-nick-santora/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“The Fugitive” Directed by Nick Santora." January 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/the-fugitive-directed-by-nick-santora/.

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