The Future of American Music: Music Industry

The history of music between 2025 and 2050 can be described as a shift toward more simplistic song recording and release. In 2025 the music industry was still less accessible to aspiring musicians due to the importance of recording technology and studios, which were not affordable to many. However, many artists like Xax released their records on TikTok. With the help of the autotune effect of the platforms, it became easier to correct imperfections and overlay music afterward. In 1935, jazz became a trend yet again, with social media platforms promoting the genre of jazz and hip-hop mix. Among the famous who recently finished their touring in Australia is Tigger Bates, who encourages diversity and tolerance in his music. In 1945, the genre of classic soul was widespread, with the song My heart performed by Elsa Wald, being the music hit of the year. The piece was created by a novel technology of song-making released by Apple.

Finally, music in 2050 is fully electronic, without any necessity for recording studios. Artists who own the device MacMusic released by Apple in 1945 are now capable of recording their singing on their phones and then adjusting the piece by overlaying music. Recent developments by the corporation allow anyone to become a part of the industry and share their works with the world. For example, billionaire Max Stern, who founded Equus, a flying-car business, created a working space for young aspiring artists who have access to recording technology. The duo of singers Luna and Solis is among the ones who started at this place. The artists first became well-known for their skillful use of laptop orchestra, which allows the creation of music via pre-recorded samples. Therefore, there were no significant new genres, and instead, there were revivals of previously popular ones.

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